Page 171 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 171

ON RIVERS AND BAYOUS.                                                    156

iVfONTGOMERY'S LANDING, ia.—Bayou Macon, 107 milea above

                                           the mouth, below Montioello.  not above

MONTIOELLO, Ifiss.—Pearl river, above Columbia.

MONTIOELLO, ia.—(Not above) On Bayou Macon.

—MONTEREY, Ark. Mississippi river, above Greenville,


—MONTEREY, III. Illinois river, 13 miled above the mouth, not above


MONTEREY LANDING, ia.—Black river, La , not above Harri-


MONARCH'S LANDING, ^rft.—Mississippi river, 579 miles above
                                New Orleans, above Greenville, not above


—MONTROSE, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1389 miles above New Orleans,

                                         above the first, not above the second Rapids.

MONTEZUMA, —III. Illinois river, 49 miles above its mouth, not above


—MONTEZUMA, Ind. Wabash river, above the Rapids, not above

                                           Terre Hautei

MOON'S, R. H. LANDING, J.Za.—Alabama river, not above Selma.

MOONS —VILLE, La. Mississippi river, 272 miles above New Oi leans,

                                      above Bayou Sara, not above Grand Gulf.

—MOORE'S BLUFF, Miss. Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, not

                                         above Columbus.

—MOORE'S ROCK, Ark. Arkansas river, 513 miles above its mouth,

                                          above Norristown, not above Fort Smith.

MOORE'S LANDING, J.rft.—Sulphur river, 60 miles above its

                                     month (Sulphur river is a tributary of Red


—MOORE'S LANDING, Mo. Missouri river, 172 miles above its

                                         month, above JefiFerson City, not above Lex-


MOORE'S (MRS.) LANDING, ia.— Mississippi river, 448 miles above
                                 New Orleans, above Grand Gulf, not above


MOORE & PRICE'S LANDING, Za.—Mississippi river, 98 miles

                                above New Orleans, below Bayou Sara.

—MOORE MILL. Oaaehita river, above Alabama Landing, not above

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