Page 175 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 175


MOUND —PLACE. Bayou Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant, not

                                         above Arkansas line.

MOUND —FLAT. Red river, above Grand Eoore, not above Shreve-


MOUNGER'S LANDING, ^ia.—Tombigbee river, not above De-


MOUNT CARMEL, J«d.—Wabash river, above Terre Haute.

MOUNT —GILEAD, Arh. Arkansas river, above Norristown, not

                                         above Fort Smith.

MOUNT —GROVE, Ark. Arkansas river, 68 miles above Napoleon,

                                         above Arkansas Post, not above Pine Bluff.

MOUNT —VERNON, Miss: Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf, not

                                          above Greenville.

MOUNT VERNON, Iwd.—Ohio river, 151 miles above its mouth,

                                          above Paducah, not above Cincinnati.

MOUNT —VERNON, Mo. Missouri river, 182 miles above its mouth,

                                          Jefferson City, not above Lexington.

MOUNT VERNON.—Mississippi river, 678 miles from St. Louis,

                                          above Galena.

MOUNT PLEASANT,—Alabama river, not above Selma.
MOUNT STERLING, Texas.—Angelina, river, above Bevilport.

—MOUNT PLEASANT, Mo. Missouri river, 56 miles above its mouth,

                                           not above Jefferson City.

MOUNT OLIVE, ArJc.—Whke river, 316 miles from the Mississippi

                                           river, above Batesville.

MOUNT VERNON WHARF, AZa.—Alabama river, not above Selma

MOUNETTE'S FERRY, ia.—Cane river (old Red river).

—MOUNTVILLE, Minn. NewMississippi river, 1749 miles above

                                          Orleans, above Galena.

MOUTffS, J. C. LANDING, ^Za.—Tombigbee river, not above De-


MOUTH OF TENSAS,—Alabama river, not above Selma.
MOUTH BLACK RIVER.—Red river, not above Alexandria.

—MOUTH COCODRIA. Red river, not above Alexandria.

MOUTH BAYOU BCEUF RIVER.—Ouachita river, above Harrison-

                                           burg, not above Trenton.

MOUTH —BUSHLEY. Ouachita river, not above Harrisonburg.

MOUTH BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW.—Ouachita river, above Tren-

                                        ton, not above Alabama Landing.
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