Page 185 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 185
XIGGER POINT, 7?^ —Mississippi river, 1133 miles above New Or-
leans, above the mouth of the Ohio, not above
NINE MILE BLUFF, La —Red river, 13 miles above Shreveport,
not above Carolina Blafi.
NIBLETT'S BLUFF, Texas.—Sabine river.
—NICK VILLIAN. Red river, above Alexandria, not above Cane
—NIOHOLA, La. Rlack river, not above Harrisonburg,
NIGGER POINT (FRANK OLAVERIE).- Red river, not above
—NIGGER. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburgh, not above Trenton.
NOBLES.—Bayou Bartholomew, above Portland.
—NOBLE. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above Trenton.
NOBLE'S, E. LANDING, ia.— Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,
not above Trenton.
NODWAY —CITY, Mo. Missouri river, 532 miles above its mouth,
above latan.
—NORMA, La. Black river, not above Harrisonburg.
—NORMAND'S, J. J. Red river, not above Alexandria.
—NORMAN'S, C. C. Red river, not above Alexandria.
—NORRIS' LANDING. Ouachita river, above Alabama Landing, not
above Camden,
—NORFOLK, Mo. Mississippi river, 729 miles above New Orleans,
above Memphis, not above mouth of the Ohio.
NORMAN'S LANDING.—Red river, 293 miles from New Orleans,
• not above Alexandria.
NORMANDY'S LANDING, ia.—Black river, not above Harrison-
NORTH —POINT, Ark. Arkansas river, above Little Rock, not above
NORTH FORK, ^r/c— White river, above Batesville.
NORTHAMPTON, Ky.^-Ohio river, 330 miles above its mouth, above
Paducah, not above Cincinnati.
NORTH —BEND. Ohio river, 525 miles above its mouth, above Pa-
ducah, not above Cincinnati.
—NORRISTOWN, Ark. Arkansas river, 3G4 miles above Napoleon;
—NOTREBE PLACE, Ark. Arkansas river, 54 miles above Napo-
leon, not above Arkansas Post.