Page 189 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 189
—OSARK, Ark Arkansas river, 476 miles abovp Napoleon, above Nor-
ristovvn, not abovo Fort Smith.
—OSAGE RIVER, Mo. Missouri river, 156 miles above its mouth, not
above Jefferson City.
—OSAGE, Ala. Alabama river, not«above Selraa.
—OSCEOLA, Ark. Mississippi river, 896 miles above New Orleans,
above Greenville, not above the mouth of the
—< >SOEOLA, Miss. Pearl river, above Columbia.
OSBORN'S LANDING, La —Bayou Macon, above Monticello.
OSBORN'S LANDING, ia.—Bayou Macon, 50 miles from its month,
not above Monticello.
—OSWALT, La. Black river, La., not above Harrisonburg.
—OSYKA, Miss. Jackson railroad, 88 miles from New Orleans.
OTTO —CITY, Mo. Missouri river, 714 miles above its mouth, above
OTTOWA, —m. Illinois river, 262 miles above its mouth, above Beards-
town, not above the mouth of Fox river.
OTT'S LANDING, La —Ouachita river, not above Harrisonburg.
—OVEN BLUFF, Ala. Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis.
—OVEN'S BURG, -Kj/. Ohio river, 233 miles above its mouth, above
Paducah, not above Cincinnati.
OWAWA —BLUFF, Mo. Missouri river, above latan.
—OWENSBORO, Ki/, Ohio river, 220 miles above its mouth, above
Paducah, not above Cincinnati.
not above Rosville.
OZMENT'S LANDING.— Sabine river.
—OZARK. Arkansas river, 476 miles above Napoleon, above Norristown,
OWEN'S LANDING, ilfo.—Missouri river, 382 miles above its month,
above Lexington, not above latan.
OX —BOWS, Ark. White river, 29 miles above its mouth, below the
junction of Black river.
—OXFORD, Miss. Jackson railroad, 341 miles from New Orleans.
—PACE & MURPHY, La. Ouachita river, above Trenton, not above
Alabama Landing.