Page 191 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 191
PANOLA (or T. C. WALMSLEY), La.— Red river, above Grand
Eoore, not above Shreveport.
PANDOEA LANDING, ia.—Black river, La.
—PANNEL'S LANDING, Mo Missouri river, not above Jefferson City.
ia—PARGOUD'S, F. LANDING, Ouachita river, above Harrisoij-
burg, not above Trenton.
iw—PARGOUD'S, N. LANDING, Ouachita river, above Trenton,
not above Alabama Landing.
—PARKVILLE, Mo. Missouri river, 417 miles above its mouth, above
Lexington, not a,bove latan.
PARK'S LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Trenton, not above
Alabama Landing.
PARK'S LANDING, .4Za.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
PARKIERSBURG, Ohio.—Ohio river, 823 miles above its mouth,
above Cincinnati.
PARKER'S, D. LANDING, AZa.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
—PARKER'S LANDING, Miss Tombigbee river, above Columbus,
not above Cotton Gin Port.
ik—PARGETTS LANDING, Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,
not above Trenton.
—PARKER'S BAYOU. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above
—PARKER'S GIN. Biyou Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant not
above Arkansas line.
TOMPARKER, --Bayon Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant, not
above Arkansas line.
PARKER'S LANDING.—Bayon Macon, not above Monticello.
PARKS, T. G., Miss.—116 miles up Big Deer Creek.
PARSONS, JONES.—Boeuf river, not above Thomas' Landing.
—PARSON & JONS. Bayou Bartholemew, not above Point Pleasant.
—PARTONIA. Angelina river, Texas.
—PARLSH'S. Tallahatchie river, not above Cassidy Bayou.
—PARKHURST, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1537 miles above New Or-
leans, above second Rapids, not ab(/ve Galena.
—PARMAVISTA, La. Bayou Macon, 58 miles from its mouth, not
above Monticello.
PARSON'S LANDING, Ark.—Ued river, 190 miles above Shreve-
port, above Carolina Bluff, not above Fulton.
—PARIS LANDING, Tenn. Tennessee river, not above Eastport.