Page 229 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 229
—SPOCIMA OUT OFF, ia Rod river, 670 miles from New Orleans
above Grand Eoore, not above Shreveport.
—SPRING BAY, lU, Illinois river, 188 miles above its mouth, above
Beardstown, not above the mouth of Fox
—SPREAD EAGLE. Missouri river, 2121 miles above its month, above
SPRING BANK, 4rfc.—Red river, 113 miles above Shreveport, above
Carolina BluflF, not above Fulton.
—SPRING BLUFF, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis, not
above Gainesville.
SPRING COLLEGE, ilfiss.^Pearl ri\er, above Gainesville, not above
SPRING COTTAGE, Miss —Pearl river, above Gainesville, not above
SPRING GATE, Jlfo.-^Missnuri river, 51 miles above its mouth, not
above Jefi'erion City, not above Lexington.
SPRING HILL, ilfo.^MissiBs^ippi river, above the mouth of the Ohioj
not above Alton.
SPRING LAKE, ia.—Red river, above Cane river, not above Grand
—SPRING LAKE, III. Illinois river, above Beardstown, not above the
mouth of Fox river.
SPRING LANDING, ia—Lake Biateneau.
—SPRINGVILLE, Ky. Ohio river, 647 miles above its mouth, above
—SPRINGFIELD, La, Mississippi river, noi above Bayou Sara.
—SPRINGWOOD. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
SPRINGVILLE (CABIN ROW).—Red river, above Grand Eoore,
not above Shreveport.
SPROUL'S (or MYER'S) LANDING.—Red river, above Grand
Ecore, not above Shreveport.
SPROUL'S, WM. LANDING.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not
above Shreveport.
SPRULLS.-^llO miles np Boeuf river, above Thomas' Landing.
—SPRUELS. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above Trenton.
SQUAW —POINT. Missouri river, above latan.
SQUANKA, JZ?.—-Mississippi river, 1435 miles above New Orleans,
above second Rapids, not above Galena.