Page 233 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 233
—STEVENS. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport.
STEPHENSON, JNO. A.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above
STEWART, WIDOW.—Red river, above Grand Eoore, not above
—STERLINGTON. Oaaohita river, above Trenton, not above Alaba-
ma Landing.
STERLING LANDING, ^rA;.— Ouachita river, above Camden, not
above Ross' Landing.
—STERLING. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above mouth of
the Ohio.
STERLING'S LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Trenton, not
above Alabama Landing.
STERLING'S LANDING.—Mississippi river, above the mouth of the
Ohio, not above Alton.
STEVENSPORT, Ktf.—Ohio river, 283 miles above its mouth, above
Paducab, not above Cincinnati.
—STEVENSON, Ala. Tennessee river, above Florence, not above
STEVEN'S CREEK. Texas.—Tnmtj river, above Smithville, not
above Magnolia Landing.
STEPHEN'S BLUFF, ^Za.—Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.
STEELE'S, D. A. LANDING, ^Za.—Warrior river, not above Tus-
• oaloosa.
STEELE'S BLUFF, ^Za.— Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.
STEELE'S, GEN'L LANDING, AZa.—Alabama river, above Selma,
not above Wetumpka.
STEWART'S LANDING, Ala —Alabama river, above Selma, not
above Wetumpka.
STEWART'S LANDING, ilfiss.—Mississippi river, above Greenville,
I not above Memphis.
STOUT'S LANDING, Ark.—Arkansas river, 359 miles above Napo-
leon, above Little Rock, not above Norris-
STONE'S PORT, Jfo.—Missouri river, 150 miles above its mouth,
above JeflFerson City, not above Lexington.
STONE'S LANDING, ia.—Black river, La., not above Harrisonburg.
—STONE'S LANDING, Ala Alabama river, above Selma, not above