Page 255 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 255
—WATERLOO, La. Red river, 665 miles from New Orleans, above
Grand Eoore, not above Sbreveport.
—WATERLOO, Term. Tennessee river, 243 miles above its mouth,
not above Eastport.
WATKINS, MRS. LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Harris-
onburg, not above Trenton.
—WATERPROOF, Za. Mississippi river, 312 miles above New Or-
leans, above Bayou Sara, not above Grand
—WATERS' LANDING, La. Red river, above Alexandria, not above
Cane river.
WATERS' LANDING, Jfo.—Mississippi river, above the mouth of
the Ohio river, not above Alton,
WATERS', M. LANDING, ia.—Red river, not above Alexandria.
WATER —VALLEY, Miss. Jackson railroad, 323 miles from New Or-
WATSON'S LANDING, Teajos.—Red river, 416 miles above Sbreve-
port, above Lanesport, not above Mound City.
WATSON'S, BEN. LANDING, Z«/.— Mississippi river, above Green-
ville, not above the mouth of the Ohio river.
WATTENAW, —Arlt. White river, 192 miles above its mouth, below
the junction of Black river.
—WAVERLEY, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above
—WAVERLEY, Mo. Missouri river, 311 miles from its mouth, above
Jefiferson City, not above Lexington.
WAVERLEY, TewM-^Tennessee river, not above Eastport.
—WAVERLEY, Miss. Tombigbee river, above Columbus, not above
Cotton Gin Port.
WAXFORD, —Ind. Mississippi river, above Galena.
WAXSHAW, —Miss. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above
the mouth of the Ohio river.
—WAYNE, Miss. San Francis river.
WAYNE —CITY, Jlfo. Missouri river, 393 miles above its mouth, above
Lexington, not above laian,
—WEAVER'S WOODYARD, Ala. Alabama river, above Selma, not
above Wetumpka.
—WEBBER'S FALLS, Arh. Arkansas river, 636 miles above Napo-
leon, above Fort Smith.