Page 257 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 257


WEST —POINT, III. Illinois river, above Beardstown, not above the

                                     mouth of Fox river.

WEST —UNION, Ind. Wabash river, above the Rapids, not above

                                           Terra Haute.

WEST & MOORE'S LANDING, ^ia.—Alabama river, not above


WEST WOOD PLACE.—Red river, above Grand Gulf, not above


WEST —SIDE. Oaaohita river, above Harrisonburg, not above Tren-


WESTMORELAND, MRS.—Bayou Bartholomew, above Point Pleas-

                                          ant, not above Arkansas line.

—WESTEN, Mo, Missouri river, 498 miles from its mouth, above Lex-

                                           ington, not above latan.

—WESTEN, Mo. Missouri river, above latan.

WESTPORT, Z?/.—Ohio river, 418 miles from its mouth, above Pa-

                                          duoah, not above Cincinnati.

—WESTPORT, Ind. Wabash river, above the Rapids, not above

                                            Terre Haute.

—WESTPORT, Miss. Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, not above


—WESTPORT, Mo. Mississippi river, above Alton, not above the first


—WESTPORT, Ala. Alabama river, above Selma, not above We-


—WEBB'S. Bceuf river, above Thomas' Landing.
WEBB —CITY. Arkansas river, above Roseville, not above Fort Smith.

WEEPING WILLOW, Miss.— 125 miles up Big Deer Creek.
WEBSTER'S LANDING.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


—WELCH'S CAMP. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
—WELCOMSON. 134 miles up Boeuf river, above Thomas' Landing.

WELHAM PLANTATION.—Mississippi river, not above Bayou Sara.

WEISS BLUFF.—Neches river, Texas.
WELLS, J. Q. LANDING, Miss.— 178 miles up Big Deer Creek.

—WESTOVER. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.

WEST, A. C. (STORE), Miss.— 152 miles up Big Deer Creek.
WEBSTER'S, J. S. STORE.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not

                                          above Shreveport.
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