Page 52 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 52


CALHOUN'S FERRY, Teaas.—Trinity river, above Smithville, not

                                        above Magnolia Landing.

CALHOUN'S LANDING, Za.—Red river, not above Shreveport, not

                                          above foot of Raft.

CALLOWAY'S LANDING, ia.—Bayou Macon, 38 miles above its

                                         mouth, not above Monticello.

OAMPTE, ia.-^Red river, 500 miles above New Orleans, above

                                       Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport.

—(JAMPBELLSVILLE, La. Mississippi river, 412 miles above New

                                       Orleans, above Grand Gulf, not above Green


CAMPBELL'S LANDING, ^rA;.—Arkansas river, 524 miles above

                                         Napoleon, above Norristown, not above Fort


—CAMDEN, Arli. Ouachita river, 501 miles from the mouth of Old

                                          river, not above Ross' Landing.

—CAMDEN, Mo. Missouri river, 350 miles above its mouth, above

                                         Lexington, not above latan.

—CAMDEN, Tenn. Mississippi river, above Memphis not above mouth

                                              of the Ohio.

—CAMDEN, Tenn Tennessee river, not above Eastport.

—CAMDEN, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
—CAMDEN, Ind. Wabash river, above the Rapids, not above Terre


CAMPBELL'S LANDING, ^^a.—Tombigbee river, not above De-


—CAMMACK'S LANDING, Miss. Mississippi river, 467 miles above

                                New Orleans, above Grand Gulf, not above


CAMMACK'S LANDING, ia.—Red river, not above Alexandria.

—CAMANCHE, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1554 miles above New Or-

                                          leans, above the foot of second Rapids, not
                                          above Galena.

—CAMBRIDGE, Mo. Missouri river, 241 miles above its mouth, above

                               • Jefferson City, not above Lexington.

CANE RIVER, ia.—Natchitoches.
CANE LANDING, Arl.—ReA. river, 332 miles above Shreveport,

                                          above Fulton, not above Lanesport.

CANTON, Jfjss.— Jackson railroad, 206 miles from New Orleans.
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