Page 57 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 57


GETTER'S, F., LANDING.— Red river, above Shreveport, not above

          —9 Carolina Bluffs.

OASBYVILLE, Kij. Ohio river, 13G miles from its mouth, above

                                          Paducah, not above Cincinnati.

OASEYVILLE, 7fe.—Ohio river, 118 miles above its mouth, above

                                          Paducah, not above Cincinnati.

—OASSVILLE, Wis. Mississippi river, 1645 miles above New Orleans,

                                           above Galena.

CASTOR'S LANDING, ia.—Bayou Bartholomew, above Pt. Pleas-

                                          ant, not above Arkansas line.

CASON'S, JAS., LANDING, ia.—Atchafalaya river, below Simms"


CASTOR'S LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,

                                          not above Trenton.

—CASH LANDING, La. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


CASSANDRA LANDING, ia.—Red river, 305 miles from New Or-

                                           leans, not above A.lexandria.

CAT —FISH POINT, Miss. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not

                                          above Memphis.

CATAHOMA LANDING, AZa.—Tombigbee river, not above De-


CATO'S, MRS. LANDING, J.?a.— Tombigbee river, not above De-


CATLETT'S BURG, Zjr.—Ohio river, 686 miles above its month,

                                          above Cincinnati.

CAT —ISLAND, ArTi. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above


CAVE —IN ROOK, Ills. Ohio river, 98 miles above its mouth, not

                                           above Cincinnati.

—CEDAR BLUFF, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis, not

                                          above Gainesville.

CEDAR —POINT, Tenn. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not above

                                         the mouth of the Ohio.

—CEDAR SPRINGS, Texas. Trinity river, above Magnolia Land-


—CEDAR CREEK, Ala. Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis.
—CEDAR CREEK, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.

OELINA RESERVOIR, OMo.—Wabash river, not above the Rapids.
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