Page 61 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 61

ON RIVERS AND BAYOUS.                                           45

—CHILES FERRY, Ala. Warrior river, not above TuBoaloosa.
—CHINA GROVE, La. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


—CHOCTAW, Ala. Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.

CHOCTAW BLUFF, ^k.—Alabama river, not above Selraa.

—CHOCUMA, Miss. Yazoo river, above Y'^azoo City, not above Leflore.


OHUCKAHOULA, Xa.—Morgan railroad, 62 miles from New Or-


CHURCHILL'S LANDING, ^r^!;—Arkansas river, 274 miles above

Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little


CHURCH —HILL, Miss. Mississippi river, above Bayou Sara, not

                                       above Grand Gulf.

—CHURCHVILLE, La. Atchafalaya river, 25 miles below Simmsport.

—CINCINNATI, Texas. Trinity river, above Smithville, not above

                                         Magnolia Landing.

—CINCINNATI, Ohio. Obio river, 1505 miles above New Orleans.
—CINCINNATI, Wis. Mississippi river, 1665 miles above New Or-

                                          leans, above Galena.

CLARK, SAM'L, LANDING, La.—Hed river, above Grand Ecore,

                —not above Shreveport.

CLARE LANDING, Ark Mississippi river, above Greenville, not

above Memphis.

CLARK'S, DR., LANDING.—336 miles up Sunflower river.
—CLARK, E. Big Deer Creek, Miss., 110 miles from Vicksburg.
—CLARK'S. Tallahatchie river, not above Cassidy Bayou.
—CLARK'S. Bayou Bartholomew, above Portland.

—CLARK'S. Bayou Barthclomesv, above Portland.
—CLARK'S MILLS. Bayou Bartholomew, above Arkansas line, not

                                          above Portland.

—CLARK'S. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above Trenton.
—CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. Cumberland river, 148 miles from the Ohio,

                                          not above Nashville.

—CLARKSVILLE, Miss. Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf, not

                                          above Greenville.

—CLARKSVILLE, Mo. Mississippi river, above Alton, not above foot

                                              of first Rapids.

—CLARKSVILLE, Arh. Landing at Spadra, on Arkansas- river.

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