Page 65 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 65
—COLUMBIA, La. Ouachita river, 210 miles above the mouth of Old
river, above Harrisonburg, not above Tren-
—OOLUMBU.S, K[i. Mississippi river, 1057 miles above New Orleans,
above Memphis, not above mouth of the Ohio.
—COLUMBUS, Ala. Ohattahootchee river, not above Eufala.
COLUMBUS, ^Za.—Tombigbee river.
COL. WATKINS' LANDING, .4r7f.—Arkansas river, 216 miles
above Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above
Little Rock.
COL. HAWKIN'S LANDING, Texas.—2ieA river, 520 miles above
Shreveport. above Mound Citv.
COL. WILLIAMS' LANDING, Ar^.— Arkansas river, 139 miles above
Napoleon, above Arkansas Post, not above
Pine Bluff.
COLE'S LANDING, ^rft.—'^hite river, 293 miles above its mouth,
below the junction of Black river.
COLE'S CREEK LANDING.—Mississippi river, above Grand Gulft
not above Greenville.
—COMMERCE, Mo. Mississippi river, 780 miles above New Orleans,
above Memphis, not above mouth of the Ohio
—COMMERCE, Mo. Mississippi river, 1112 miles above New Orleans,
above the mouth of the Ohio river, not above
St. Louis.
—COMO LANDING, Arh. Below Arkansas Post, on Arkansas river.
—COMMERCE, Texas. Trinity river, above Smithville, not above
Magnolia Landing.
COMPTON'S, SAM'L, LANDING, Za.—Red river, not above Alex-
COMPTON'S, P., LANDING, ia.—Red river, not above Alexandria.
—COMPROMISE, Ky. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not above
mouth of the Ohio river.
CONVENT, ia.—Mississippi river, 62 miles above New Orleans, be-
low Bayou Sara.
—CONCORD, Ky. Ohio river, 613 miles above its mouth, above Cin-
CONCORDIA, Jfjss.—Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above