Page 67 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 67


CONSORT POINT, Miss.—Mississippi river, 220 miles above New

                                       Orleans, above Bayou Sara, not above Grand


—CONGO, Miss. Mississippi river, 355 miles above New Orleans, above

                                       Grand Gulf, not above Greenville.

OONCHAGE LANDING, Ark.—Ark&nsas river, above Pine Bluff,

                                          not above Little Rock.

CONWAY'S LANDING, J.Za.—Tombigbee river, above Gainesville,

                                          not above Columbus.

—CONTENT LANDING, Miss. Mississippi river, above Greenville,

                                        not above Memphis.

COOK'S, JNO. LANDING, ^rA.—Little Red river, 35 miles from its

                                      mouth, below the junction of White and

                                          Black rivers.

COOK'S, DANL. LANDING, ^rft.—Little Red river, below junction

                                       of White and Black rivers.

COOK'S, MAJ. LANDING, .Aila.—Tombigbee river, above Gaines-

                                          ville, not above Columbus.

—COOK'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis, not

                                         above Gainesville.

—GOOSE'S LANDING, Ark. Arkansas river, 36 miles above Napo-

                                         leon, not above Arkansas Post.

COOKE'S LANDING, Texas.—UeA river, 517 miles above Shreveport,

                                    above Mound City.

—COOK'S LANDING, Jfiss. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not

                                         above Memphis.

—COOK'S LANDING, Ark. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not

                                         above Memphis.

—COOL SPRINGS, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not

                                          above Trenton.

COOSAWDA, J.Za—^Alabama river, above Selma, not above We-


—COPE'S EERRY, Tex. Neches river, above junction Angelina river.

COPPERAS CREEK, 27fe.—Illinois river, above Beardstown, not

                                   above mouth of Fox river.

—COPENHJlGEN, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above


CORE'S, E. R. LANDING, 4rZ;.—Arkansas river, 240 miles above

                                         Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little

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