Page 90 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 90


—FAIR DALE LANDING, Ark. Arkansas river, 86 miles above Na-

                                           poleon, above Arkansas Post, above Pine


—IfAIRPORT, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1493 miles above New Orleans?

                                           above second Rapids, not above Galena.

—EAIRVIEW, Miss. Mississippi river, 603 miles above New Orleans,

                                          above Greenville, not above Memphis.

—FAIRMOUNT, La. Red river, above Alexandria, not above mouth

                                        of Cane river.

 FAIRFIELD LANDING, ^Za.—Tombigbee river, above Gainesville,

                                           not above Columbus.

—FAIR'S LANDING, ^Za. Alabama river, above Selma, not above;


 FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY, ilfmw,—Mississippi river, 1869 miles

                                 above New Orleans, above Galena. .

—FALLS LANDING, Ga. Flint river, above Newton, not above


—FALL'S LANDING, Ind. Wabash river, above the Rapids, not above

                                            Terre Haute.

—FALK'S, D., LANDING, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,

                                   not above Trenton.

FALK'S, ROBERT, LANDINli, ios.—Ouachita river, above Harris-

                                           burg, nut above Trenton.

FAUSSE POINT, ia.—Near Ba>ou Teohe.
FAVRON'S LANDING, ia.—Red river, 443 miles above New Or-

                                        leans, above Cane river, not above Grand"


FARLEIGH'S LANDING., ^rife.—Arkansas river, above Arkansas

                                           Post, nut above Pine Bluff.

FAERAR'S DR., LANDING, ia.—Black river. La.
FARMERSVILLE, ia.—Ba}ou D'Arbonne, not above.

—FAUST, J. M., LANDING, La. Ouaohiia river, above Harrisonburg,

                                           nut above Trenton.

FAZZARD'S LANDING, ia.—Red river, above Ootile, not abovg

                                        Grand Ecore.

—FAISONIA. Sunflower county, Sunflower river, Miss.
—FAISONIA. 206 miles up Sunflower river.
—FAIR PLAY. Yazuu river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.

FALL'S PLACE, Miss.— 166 miles up Big Deer Creek.
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