Page 85 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 85
—EADES FERRY, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
—EADS' PORT. South Pass, mouth of Mississippi river, below New
—EAG-LE BEN^D, Lu. Red river, above G-rand Ecore, not above
—EARLE'S, JAS. LANDING-, Ala. ^Alabama river, not above Selma.
EARLE'S, FRANK, LANDING.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
—EASTPORT, Ala. Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.
EASTPORT, Teww.—Tennessee river.
—ECONOMY, Tenn. Ohio river, 986 miles above, its mouth, above
—EAGLE CREEK. Missouri river, 2598 miles from its mouth, above
—EAGLE BANK. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
—EAGLE BEND. Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.
EAGLE ISLAND.—BcBuf river, not above Thomas' Landing.
—EAG-LE LAKE. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
EAG-LE NEST BAYOU.—Red river, above Cane river, not above
Grand Ecore.
—EARL'S. Tallahatchie river, not above Cassidy Bayou.
EAST AND WEST LANDING.—Red river, above Grand Ecore,
not above Shreveport.
—EAST POINT. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport
—EAST'S, SAM. Tallahatchie river, not above Cassidj Bayou.
'eATON'S, GBN'L, landing.—Arkansas river, above Pine Bluflf,
not above Little Rock. above
ECHO LANDING, La.—Red river, below Alexandria.
—EDEN. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
EDINGTON, W. H. (EAGLE BEND) —Mississippi river,
Grand Gulf, not above Greenville.
—EDWARDS, CAPT. Red river, above Fulton, not above Lanesport.
ED WINGS (or ANNA DALE).—Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.
—EDDYVILLE, Ki/. Cumberland river, 50 miles abo-ve its mouth, not
above Nashville.
—EDGEFIELD, Tenn. Cumberland river, not above Nashville.
EDGEWOOD LANDING, ia.-^Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf,
not above Greenville.