Page 81 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 81
DONALDSONS LANDING, Jtfiss.— Mississippi river, above Green-
ville, not above Memphis.
DONALDSON, MAJ., LANDING, ^rA;.—Arkansas river, 152 miles
above Napoleon, above Arkansas Post, not
above Pine Bluff.
DONALDSON, W.M., LANDING, Zj/.—Mississippi river, above Mem-
phis, not above the mouth of the Ohio.
DONOHE'S FERRY, Te-eas.—Sabine river, above Sabine City, not
above Belgrade.
DONIPHAN'S LANDING, 4rA;.—Currant river, a tributary of White
and Black rivers.
DONIPHAN'S LANDING, ia.—Tensas river, 42 miles from Trinity,
not above the mouth of Bavou Maoon.
DOOLEY'S' FERRY, Ark.—Red river, 217 miles above Shreveport,
above Carolina Bluff, not above Fulton.
DOREMUS' LANDING, ^to.— Alabama river, above Selma, not
above Wetampka.
DOUGLAS' LANDING, J.rft.—Arkansas river, 94 miles above Na-
poleon, above Arkansas Post, not above Pine
—DOVER, Tenn. Cumberland river, 103 miles above its mouth, not
above Nashville.
—DOVER, Mo. Missouri river, above Jefferson City, not above Lexing-
—DOVER/Zy. Ohio river, 583 miles above its mouth, above Cincin-
DOWDY'S LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not
above Trenton.
DOWN'S LANDING, ia. --Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not
above Trenton.
—D0NALD60NVILLE, La. Mississippi river, not above Bayou Sara.
DORSEY, E —Ouachita river, not above Harrisonburg.
DOUBS' OLD PLANTATION (or DR. FISHER).—Red river, above
Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport
DOUBLE OAK. ^Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore,
—DOUBLE EDDIES. Red river, not above Alexandria.
—DOUGLASS BROS. Bayou Bartholome-w, above Point Pleasant,
not above Arkansas line.
DOUGLASS. Red river, above Shreveport, not above foot of Raft.