Page 78 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 78
—DES-ARKS, Ark. White river, 210 miles from the Mississippi river,
below Bateaville.
—DESKER'S LANDING", La. Red river, not above Alexandria.
—DE SOTO FRONT, Miss. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not
above Memphis.
DE —SOTO, Neh. Missouri river, 710' miles above it& mouth, above
DE —SOTO, Miss. Mississippi river, 405 miles above New Orleans,
above Grand Gulf, not above Greenville.
DES MOINES CITY, itfo.—Mississippi river, 1363 miles above New
Orleans, above the foot of the first, not above
the foot of the second Rapid».
DES MOINES RIVER, Jotca.—Mississippi river, 1371 miles above
New Orleans, above the foot of the first, not
above the foot of the second Rapids.
—DETROIT, Itts. Illinois river, 181 miles- above its mouth, above
Beardstown, not above mouth of Eox river.
—DEWITT, Mo. Missouri river, 275 miles above its mouth, above
Jeiferson City, not above Lexington.
—DESMOINE, JOHN B. Red river, above Cane river, not above
—Grand Eoore.
—DENNISON'S Red river, above Grand Eoo\re, not above Shreveport.
—DENT MILLS. Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.
DENMAN'S, Z. H., LANDING, Miss.—\i\ miles up Big Deei" Creek.
—DERRYBERRY. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
—DEVIL'S ELBOW. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not above the
mouth 'of the Ohio.
DEVINEY'S LANDING.— 112 miles up Sunflower river.
DJKiVIL'S ELBOW (CUMMINGS).—Red river, above Grand Eoore,
not above Shreveport,
DEW —DROP. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
DE YAMPERT, J. L.—Bayou Bartholomew, above Arkansas line,
not above Portland.
DIAMOND'S PLACE, Miss.—Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf,
not above Greenville.
DIAMOND'S LANDING, J.rA.—Mississippi river, above Greenville,
not above Memphis.
LANDING La. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not
above Shreveport.