Page 75 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 75
—DAEDEN'S FEKRY, Ala. Toinbigbee river, not above Deinopolis,
—DARNEL'S POINT, Tenn. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not
above the mouth of the Ohio.
DARK —CORNER, Miss. Mississippi river, above G-reenville, not
above Memphis.
—DART, Arh. Arkansas river, above Little Rook, not above Norris-
DAVID, MRS., LANDING, ia.— Red river, not above Alexandria.
DAVE LEWIS' LANDING, ^r&.—Arkansas river, 236 miles above
Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little
—DAVIS' SHOALS, Texas. Red river, 358 miles above Shreveport,
above Fulton, not above Lanesport.
—DAVENPORT, Ind. Mississippi river, 1518 miles above New Or-
leans, above (.he foot of second Rapids, not
above Galena.
—DAVIS' LANDING, Miss. Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf, not
above Greenville.
DAVIS', M. L. LANDING, ArA.—Arkansas river, 181 miles above
Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little
—DAVIS, W. T., LANDING, La. Atohafalaya river, below Simms-
—DAVIS, R. D., LANDING, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
DAVIS, BERY, LANDING, J.Za.--Alabama river, not above Selma.
WOODDAVIS' YARD, J.?<2.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
—DAVIS, GEO., LANDING, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
—DAWSON, W. H. R., Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.
—DARLEYS. BoBuf river, not above Thomas' Lauding.
—DARRE LANDING. Red river, above Alexandria, not above Cane
—DAVITT, MRS (or DELOS). Red river, not above Alexandria.
—DAVIS, J. N. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above
—DAVIS, MRS. I. N. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not above
—DAVIS, JOE (COL.) Bayou Bartholomew, not above Pt. Pleasant.
—DAVIS PLACE. Bayou Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant, not
above Arkansas line.