Page 77 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 77
DEER PRAIRIEj Jfo.—Mississippi river, 1226 miles above New Or-
leans, above Alton, not above the foot of first
DEER —PLAIN, Ills. Illinois river, not above Beardstown.
DEERFIELD LANDING, ia.—Bayou Macon, not above Monticello.
DEER PARK LANDING, La Mississippi river, 247 miles above
New Orleans, above Bayou Sara, not above
Grand Gulf.
—DEER RANGE, La. Atohafalaya river, below Simmsport,
DEGIN'S LANDING, ^rA^^Arkaiisas river, above Norrislown, not
above Fort Smith.
—DELAWARE LANDING, Arh. Arkansas river, above Norristown>
not above Fort Smith.
—DELHI, La (Interior.) Shipping Point, Travis' Landing on Bayou
Macon, not above Monticello.
DE LOST LANDING, ia—Black river, La.
DELOCHE'S LANDING, La.—Red river, above Cane river, not
above Grand Ecore.
DELPHI LANDING, JwcZ.—Wabash river, above the Rapids, not
above Terre Haute. /_
DELTA —LANDING, Miea. Mississippi riverjtbove Greenville, -set-
Z«- above Memphis.
—DELTA, Miss. Mississippi river, 716 miles above New Orleans,
above Greenville, not above Memphis.
—DELAWARE LANDING, Ark. Arkansas river, 405 miles above
Napoleon, above Norristown, not above Fort
Smith. •
DE MUMBRY'S LANDING, ilfiss.—Mississippi river, above Green-
ville, not above Memphis.
DEMOPOLIS, J.Za.—Tombigbee river.
DENMARK, —La. Tensas river, 25 miles from Trinity, not above the
mouth of Bayou Macon.
DENT'S, GEN. T. LANDING, Ala.—WanioT river, not above Tus-
DEN'S FORD LANDING, Teww.—Mississippi river, above Memphis,
not above the mouth of the Ohio river.
—DERBY, Ind. Ohio river, above Paducah, not above Cincinnati.