Page 4 - Quarantine_ life without going outside
P. 4

The Spreading of

                                                             Corona Virus

                                    THE VIRUS, COVID-19 EXISTED BEFORE, AND NOW THIS DISEASE

                                    HAS BECOME A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. OVER 5 MILLION PEOPLE

                                    CONFIRMED CASES AND 300 THOUSAND DEATH CASES. THE

                                    DISEASE BEGINS IN WUHAN, CHINA SEAFOOD MARKETS. WHERE

                                    PEOPLE SELL ANIMALS LIKE - RABBITS, BATS, DOGS, AND MORE.

                                    CORONAVIRUS CONTRACTED IT FROM ANIMALS (BAT) TO HUMANS.

                                                   After the virus is starting to spread, the Wuhan market is

                                            closed for cleaning and investigation. When the spread became

                                  bigger, Wuhan decided to shut down. When March came, the WHO

                                      (World health organization) came to a decision to have a world

                                       lockdown. Day by day, China seems to be slowing down. But the

                                   others were starting the outbreak. While the outbreak started,

                                          people have been panicking. Buying disinfectants, lots of masks,

                                        and hand sanitizers. But it seems a lot of people started going

                                          out, which caused more cases. Now there's confirmed cases in

                                  200 countries and areas in the world. After Italy, Spain being the

                                              highest, the US now has bigger cases than any other country.

                                             Schools, Restaurants, are forced to be closed and people only

                                          can go out to buy in supermarkets by then. Now, people seem

                                                                                                         to open the beach, restaurants, and more.

                                    The symptoms of COVID-19, are mostly a high fever and

                                    continuous cough. Other symptoms are like short breath,

                                    sore throats, headaches, loss of smell, and taste. We

                                    need to be precautious of COVID-19 because if we don’t,

                                    it might cause a lot of harm to the people.
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