Page 5 - Quarantine_ life without going outside
P. 5

Outside Of

                                         In outside of Quarantine, people still continue

                                         their work. Even there is still pandemic  in

                                         outside but the economy had still in the way.

                                         Even the economy are still in work, the WHO also

                                         help the health of the people, like they help with

                                         the supplies composed of  GeneXpert cartridges

                                         in Papua nuegini and upgrade hygiene at 50

                                         district hospitals.

                                                                          People seems didn’t worry what happen outside

                                                                                    because they work for their family, some of

                                                                                                 people lost their work, and the bankrupt

                                                                                 business, there is also many  criminals things

                                                                                       out there to. In different country like   New

                                                                                         zealand and Australia, partnership with the

                                                                           Governments of Australia and New Zealand, the

                                                                                 World Health Organization provided additional

                                                                                    laboratory supplies to Papua New Guinea to

                                                                                   scale up testing for COVID-19, The Safe, Clean

                                                                                        and Green Health Facility Initiative is jointly

                                                                               supported by the Ministry of Health and WHO.
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