Page 4 - RSOG ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - for view only
P. 4

”   In 2019, a total of 43 programmes were successfully implemented.

                1,929 public and private sector leaders were the direct beneficiaries

                of these programmes and our fervent hope is that these leaders would
                take the learning forward, sharing it further within their respective
                organisations to ensure that more would benefit from these learning

                experiences.      ”


        If you were to look for leadership-related            of geopolitical rivalry alone. The volatility of climate
        programmes for the past few years, the acronym        change, uncertainty becoming the order of the day,
        VUCA is likely to feature rather prominently. VUCA,   the complexity of issues and factors, and the sense
        a term originated from the United States Army War     of ambiguity could lead to misunderstanding
        College, was utilised to describe conditions post-    and  miscalculated  interventions.  Identification  of
        Cold  War.  Today, it exists in business strategies   VUCA elements is necessary for crafting strategies,
        and organisational leadership planning in various     however, the types of measures undertaken are
        industries and sectors, not restricted to the result   what would make the difference.

        02      RSOG Annual Report 2019
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