Page 5 - RSOG ANNUAL REPORT 2019 - for view only
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While it may not be VUCA in its strictest sense, Our sharing sessions, in the form of Leadership
the unprecedented change of government in in Action (a leadership-focused seminar), Policy
2018 was uncharted territory for Malaysians. Discourse Series (policy-related dialogue sessions)
This is even so for our public service, who have and Food for Thought (a small group discussion
had to adjust accordingly, and at some point, the on topics related to leadership and public policy),
institution had to play a more enhanced advisory allowed RSOG to open its doors to the broader
role to the executive in an unfamiliar role. The public who are interested in exploring leadership
situation, in hindsight, could be best described as lessons by prominent speakers and intricacies
the change curve. Changes often spark a myriad of policymaking at all levels of government.
of emotions and it affects how trust is built, broken Consistently, the need for effective and meaningful
and managed. This is coupled with evaluating communication seem to raise in these sharing
each other’s competence over the matter and at sessions, along with the need to have a mutual
the end of the equation is often questioning the understanding of each other’s situation and
status of one’s credibility and integrity. The key that background.
unlocks this sense of ambiguity and complexity
is simply constant, meaningful and effective In 2019, a total of 43 programmes were successfully
communication. implemented. 1,929 public and private sector
leaders were the direct beneficiaries of these
RSOG itself was faced with these challenges programmes and our fervent hope is that these
in 2019. Alhamdulillah, we persevered and as leaders would take the learning forward, sharing
things stand, we hope to celebrate our 10th year it further within their respective organisations to
anniversary in July 2020, Insya Allah. We remain ensure that more would benefit from these learning
ever more committed in our pursuit of advancing experiences. We believe that sharing these learning
Malaysia’s senior public sector leaders, across all knowledge is a step towards recreating the culture
service sectors. Our programmes are always with of mentoring and instilling the values of coaching.
the intention to provide an enhanced learning
experience for our participants, sharing the RSOG would not be where we are without
latest findings and comparing best practices. our stakeholders. Therefore, we conducted a
We believe that the past year has allowed our stakeholder engagement workshop in November
programmes to deepen its meaning and purpose 2019, to get feedback from our stakeholders in this
as we consider the nuances of our institutions, pursuit of public sector leadership development.
the roles each sector plays in development and The session certainly gave us plenty to ponder on
nation-building, and the core values that hold our as we saw what we did right and what areas we
national character. 2020 is a milestone and will be could further explore into. We certainly welcome
a commemorative year for Malaysia in many ways. more feedback that you have and how we can do
We would like to take this opportunity to reflect more. We strongly emphasise the importance of
and share what we have contributed in this 2019 teamwork and I am proud to have a dedicated
Annual Report. team who are positive in embracing the changes
and challenges that this VUCA environment offers.
Our executive education programmes, which
includes our signature Senior Leadership I remain humbled by the guidance of our Trustees
Programme and Open Programmes, saw and stakeholders, who keeps urging RSOG to
positive feedback from participants, providing continuously improve. This keeps us motivated
the encouragement for its continuation. We also in our aspiration to build future-ready leaders for
reintroduced our Emerging Leaders Programme, the nation. Thank you for all your support and
designed and delivered for middle-managers, contribution, not only for 2019 but also for the past
to best maximise our international partners’ stint years since our inception. We look to the year ahead
in Malaysia and to create more opportunities to serve you with the highest form of Integrity,
for learning and development at all levels in the the Courage to do more with less, creating more
public sector. Following our efforts to broaden Innovation in our delivery, and instituting positive
our business activities, we are proud to share that Change in all that we do.
our customised programmes have increased its
breadth and depth. Our clients include agencies, Thank you
departments, and state governments. We saw
how these organisations are looking for ways to AZMAN HISHAM CHE DOI
enhance their strategic planning, their service Chief Executive Officer
delivery and operations, and how to best adapt
to changes and challenges that the current
environment presents.
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