Page 10 - Ventura Foods | Leave Of Absence | Employee Procedures
P. 10

   Common LOA Scenarios
You are on a disability/leave before May 1st. You are expected to return to work on May 28th but need to extend your leave by 2 weeks.
You are on disability/leave before May 1st. You returned to work on May 3rd but need to go back out for the same reason on May 7th.
You are on a disability/leave before May 1st. You returned to work on May 15th. On June 1st you need to go out on another leave/disability.
You have a certification for intermittent leave that expires on May 1st.
You need to file for another intermittent leave of absence after August 1st.
You need to file a leave of absence and/or disability claim after June 1st.
The Standard is ready to help. 800-232-3146 |
• The Standard to extend your leave
• The Standard to file a new leave of absence
• The Standard to file a new leave of absence and disability claim
• The Standard to file a new leave of absence
• The Standard will help you establish a new intermittent leave
• The Standard will help you establish a new leave/disability

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