Page 8 - Ventura Foods | Leave Of Absence | Employee Procedures
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Employee LOA Process
In this section we’ve outlined the LOA process to help you understand
what happens after you file a claim and what actions you must take.
All leaves related to illness or injury requiring an absence of 3 or more days will need to be reported to your Manager as soon as possible. All Family And Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leaves and intermittent (nonconsecutive ) FMLA time must be reported to The Standard Insurance Company by phone 800-232-3146 or web
The following are situations that MUST be reported to The Standard Insurance Company:
• To request a leave of absence for yourself or for the care of a family member
• To request an extension to an existing leave of absence
• To report an absence due to an approved intermittent FMLA
• Any time there is a three day absence related to a health condition
• If there are multiple absences related to a health condition
• If there is a need for a reasonable accommodation needed to support you at work
• To report an absence that is not related to
a leave of absence or intermittent leave, for example, calling in sick because of the flu for one or two days
• To request vacation, Paid Time Off, or holiday time off
• Employees who have requested and received approval for an intermittent leave, are responsible for contacting BOTH The Standard and their Manager. Employees are expected to report every absence, shift interruption or late arrival related to their approved leave.
The following are situations where requesting a leave via Standard Insurance Company is NOT REQUIRED.
 Return to Work Fitness for Duty Medical Certifications
Employees returning to work from a medical leave must provide a medical certification to your Manager confirming you are able to return to work and if you need modifications to perform your job duties.

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