P. 9
The problem statement section is well- would be valuable. Additionally, the article
2 The Influence of Business Records articulated, highlighting the necessity of could offer more information on the specific
recording transactions systematically and
challenges faced by small enterprises in
on Business Performance
the limitations of relying on memory alone,
which successfully emphasizes the role of maintaining accounting records, apart from
the perceived positive role of accounting
Nur Delina Hairuddin accounting records in decision-making, tax records in measuring profitability, growth,
compliance, legal proceedings, business and liquidity. By referencing Maalu's
valuation, and financial support. However, suggestion for further investigation, the
it would be beneficial to provide more author establishes the need for the current
detailed explanations or examples to study by appropriately identifying the gap
illustrate these points further. The mention in existing research regarding the
of management inefficiencies leading to the relationship between accounting records
failure of small businesses is insightful. and business performance.
However, exploring other potential factors
contributing to business failures, such as
market dynamics, technological
advancements, or competitive pressures
The textile industry is considered vital for enterprises. Despite the recognized
self-employment and has the potential to importance of accounting records, there is a
address the issue of unemployment. Small- lack of research on their specific influence on
scale enterprises play a significant role in the business performance. The valuable insights
Kenyan economy, contributing to output, into the significance of accounting records in
indigenous participation, and job creation. the textile industry of Kenya and effectively
The historical evolution of accounting as a establishes the importance of the textile
record-keeping process and its relevance in industry for self-employment and its
assessing the financial condition, potential to alleviate unemployment. It
profitability, and performance of businesses. acknowledges the essential function
It emphasizes the need for accounting records performed by. small-scale enterprises in the
in decision-making, legal proceedings, Kenyan economy, contributing to output,
business valuation, and obtaining financial indigenous participation, and job creation.
support. Prevalence of management The historical background on the evolution of
inefficiencies and business failures due to accounting as a record-keeping process adds
poor record-keeping, especially among small depth to the discussion.
JULY | 2023 The Influence of Business Records on Business Performance 9