P. 12

2         Findings                                                                                                    Problem               Frequency                 Total         Notebooks and receipt books were the most commonly
                                                                                                                                                                                         maintained records among respondents. were notebooks
                                                                                                                                                                                         (79%) and receipt books (75%). However, the usage of
                                                                                                                           (Table 3)
                                                                                                                                                                                         other essential books, such as cash books, sales books,
                                                                                                                                                                                         purchase books, and invoices, was relatively low. This
                 Nur Delina Hairuddin                                                                                    Cash book         4 (10%)         2 ( 5%)         6 ( 8%)       indicates a lack of understanding among business owners
                                                                                                                                                                                         regarding the importance of these books. The records are
                                                                                                                         Sale book         4 (10%)         4 ( 5%)        8 (10%)
          As per findings in Table 1 highlighted in             record-keeping but lacks specific details                                                                                maintained by respondents, but it does not explain why

          the article, the majority of respondents              on the sample size, methodology, and                     Purchase           3 ( 8%)           -            3 ( 4%)       certain books were preferred over others, and it would be
          cited time-consuming record-keeping as                potential biases. Further clarification and                                                                              valuable to explore the potential impact of using specific
                                                                                                                                                                                         books on business performance. It would be helpful to
          the     primary       obstacle,     with     male     statistical analysis would strengthen the                Invoice            2 ( 5%)        2 ( 5%)         4 ( 5%)       investigate the reasons behind the preference for

          entrepreneurs facing this issue more                  findings; it would be valuable to delve                  Receipts          28 (70%)       32 (80%)        60 (75%)       notebooks and receipt books. Moreover, examining how
          prominently.        Other      problems       were    deeper into the reasons behind the time-                                                                                 the utilization of different books relates to business
          considered      less    significant.    Lack     of   consuming nature of record-keeping while                 Notebook          31(78%)        32 (80%)        63 (79%)       performance could provide actionable insights for small

          awareness regarding the importance of                 exploring     potential     solutions    or   best                                                                       business owners.
          record-keeping was evident among small                practices for efficient record-keeping could             The information extracted from records, as per Table 4,           Records              Frequency
          business     owners,     which     provides     an    provide     valuable      insights    for    small       was predominantly used for planning (70%) and decision-           (Table 4)        Male          Female          Total
                                                                                                                         making (23%) purposes. However, the qualities essential
          overview of the problems associated with              business owners.                                         for   effective  decision-making   were   not   fully  met,

                                                                  Frequency                                              suggesting a lack of commitment among small business              Planning       23 (58%)       33 (83%)       56 (70%)
                    Problem (Table 1)                                                                Total               owners. While the findings provide insights into the
                                                           Male                Female                                                                                                      Decision
                                                                                                                         utilization of recorded information, the statement does                          11 (28%)        7 (23%)       18 (23%)
                     Time consuming                      27 (68%)             17 (43%)              44 (55%)                                                                               Making
                                                                                                                         not elaborate on the specific shortcomings regarding
                 Accountants expensive                    3 ( 8%)              2 ( 5%)               5 ( 6%)             relevance, reliability, comparability, and consistency.            Other          2 ( 5%)        1 ( 3%)        3 ( 4%)
                   Usefulness not seen                    3 ( 8%)              2 ( 5%)               5 ( 6%)             Further explanation and analysis would enhance the

                    Accounts Difficult                    1 ( 3%)              1 ( 3%)               2 ( 3%)             understanding of these issues. Offering recommendations         It would be beneficial to delve deeper into the reasons
                                                                                                                         to improve the relevance, reliability, comparability, and       behind the shortcomings in meeting the qualities required
          In      order      to     provide       a
                                                       Including more context on Kibuka's perspective                    consistency of record information would be valuable, and        for effective decision-making.
          comprehensive understanding per
                                                       would add depth to the discussion as per Table                                                                                   Table 5 shows the record-keeping rates in different types
          the majority of respondents (74%)            2, which provides insights into the record-                                      Individual owned           Partnership          of businesses, but it does not discuss potential reasons
          kept     records,    with     a   higher     keeping practices of respondents, but it does not                   Records                                                      behind these differences or their implications. Further
          percentage            of          female                                                                            50                                                        analysis and contextualization would strengthen the
                                                       explain the reasons behind the discrepancy                                       Male        Female        Male      Female      findings. Partnership businesses exhibited a higher rate
          entrepreneurs showing interest.              between male and female entrepreneurs and                                                                                        of record-keeping (100%) compared to individually owned

          The findings support the notion              mentioning Kibuka's view lacks context and                                         26          27            2          4        businesses (72%). Female-owned businesses had a higher
          that maintaining records allows                                                                                    Yes        (68%)       (75%)        (100%)     (100%)      record-keeping rate (75%) than male-owned businesses
                                                       could benefit from further elaboration.
          for regular assessment of business                                                                                                                                            (68%),   potentially   due    to  greater    accountability
                                                          Records               Frequency                                                                                               requirements in partnerships and the influence of female
          performance.,        it    would       be                                                      Total                            12           9
                                                          (Table 2)         Male          Female                              No                                    -          -        entrepreneurs. Suggested by examining how record-
          beneficial to explore the factors                                                                                             (32%)       (25%)                               keeping practices contribute to the success and growth of
                                                        Kept record        28 (70%)       31(77%)       59(74%)
          contributing to the higher record-                                                                                                                                            partnership businesses could provide practical insights
          keeping      rates    among       female       No record         12(30%)        9(23%)        21(26%)             Total         38          36            2          4        and to explore the factors driving the higher record-
                                                                                                                                                                                        keeping rates in partnership businesses and the influence
          entrepreneurs.                                    Total             40             80          (100)                                                                          of female ownership.

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