Page 7 - PIAA District III 2021 Boys Soccer Championship Program
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The PIAA realigns classifications every two years. Classifications for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years are based on
school enrollments of students in grades 9-11 during the 2019-20 school year. Schools must count their students in the
school, plus 10% of any students in cyber/charter schools who live in a public school district.
Below are enrollment figures and classification parameters for boys soccer:
Class A Class AA Class AAA Class AAAA
(164 male students or fewer) (166-267 male students) (268-464 male students) (465 male students or more)
Antietam ............................... 130 Annville-Cleona .................... 204 Big Spring .............................. 307 Carlisle .................................. 632
Camp Hill .............................. 160 Berks Catholic ........................ 231 Bishop McDevitt ................... 268 Cedar Cliff ............................. 552
Christian School Of York .......... 23 Bermudian Springs ............... 232 Cocalico ................................ 385 Cedar Crest ........................... 588
Columbia .............................. 161 Biglerville .............................. 196 Conrad Weiser ...................... 325 Central Dauphin East ............ 617
Conestoga Christian School ..... 45 Boiling Springs ...................... 255 Daniel Boone ........................ 429 Central Dauphin .................... 717
Covenant Christian Acad . 129/18 Brandywine Heights ............. 202 Donegal ................................ 352 Central York .......................... 826
(co-op with Steelton-Highspire) Dayspring Christian Acad ......... 36 Dover ................................... 432 Chambersburg ..................... 868
Delone Catholic .................... 128 Greenwood................... 127/100 East Pennsboro .................... 303 Conestoga Valley .................. 528
Fairfield ................................. 125 (co-op with Newport) Eastern Lebanon County ...... 292 Cumberland Valley ............. 1078
Halifax .................................. 103 Hamburg .............................. 264 Eastern York ......................... 296 Dallastown ........................... 784
Harrisburg Academy ................ 41 Hanover ................................ 218 Fleetwood ............................ 310 Elizabethtown ...................... 495
Harrisburg Christian School ..... 26 Kutztown ............................. 165 Garden Spot .......................... 392 Ephrata ................................ 499
High Point Baptist Academy .... 39 Lancaster Catholic ................ 203 Gettysburg ........................... 428 Exeter Township ................... 499
Lancaster County Christian ...... 26 Lancaster Mennonite ........... 122 Greencastle Antrim .............. 372 Governor Mifflin ................... 582
Lititz Christian School .............. 31 Littlestown ............................ 248 Hershey ................................ 464 Harrisburg ............................. 632
Mount Calvary Christian .......... 51 Middletown ......................... 255 James Buchanan ................... 298 HEMPFIELD ........................... 857
New Covenant Christian .......... 32 Millersburg ............................ 97 Kennard Dale ........................ 298 J P McCaskey ...................... 1074
Tulpehocken ......................... 162 Oley Valley ............................ 215 Lampeter Strasburg .............. 365 Lebanon ................................ 571
Upper Dauphin ...................... 138 Pequea Valley ................. 188/30 Lower Dauphin ..................... 426 Manheim Township .............. 739
West Shore Christian Acad ...... 29 (co-op Linville Hill Christian) Manheim Central .................. 402 Mechanicsburg ..................... 504
York Catholic ......................... 149 Schuylkill Valley .................... 243 Milton Hershey ...................... 397 Muhlenberg .......................... 530
Susquenita ............................ 189 Northern Lebanon ................ 272 New Oxford .......................... 475
Trinity ................................... 172 Northern York ....................... 398 Northeastern ........................ 469
Wyomissing ......................... 238 Octorara .............................. 315 Penn Manor .......................... 654
Palmyra ................................ 460 Reading ................................ 2148
Red Land ............................... 433 Red Lion ............................... 576
Shippensburg ....................... 402 South Western ...................... 501
Solanco ................................. 454 Warwick.......................... 505/19
Spring Grove ........................ 452 (co-op Veritas Academy)
Susquehanna Township ........ 270 Waynesboro ........................ 518
Susquehannock .................... 357 William Penn ........................ 666
Twin Valley ........................... 424 Wilson ................................... 766
West Perry ............................ 274 York Country Day School 26/704
West York ............................ 354 (co-op York Tech)
York Suburban ...................... 402
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