Page 16 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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                                    RECORDS & HISTORY

                                                    Team Champions

                   TOURNAMENT TEAM CHAMPIONS                             TOURNAMENT TEAM CHAMPIONS

         Year    3A                   2A                                     3A
         1981    Warwick              Susquenita                             12:    Central Dauphin
         1982    Dallastown           South Western
         1983    Dover                Susquehanna Township                   10:    Cumberland Valley
         1984    Cedar Cliff          Susquenita
         1985    South Western        Susquenita
         1986    Manheim Central      Susquenita                               5:   Cedar Cliff
         1987    Cedar Cliff          Biglerville
         1988    Dallastown           Biglerville                              4:   Dallastown
         1989    J.P. McCaskey        Susquehanna Township
         1990    South Western        Upper Dauphin
         1991    Ephrata              Upper Dauphin                            2:   Manheim Central
         1992    Cumberland Valley    Brandywine Heights                            South Western
         1993    Cumberland Valley    Biglerville                                   Warwick
         1994    Cedar Cliff          Hanover
         1995    Manheim Central      Hanover                                  1:   Dover
         1996    Cumberland Valley    Hanover
         1997    Warwick              Schuylkill Valley                             Ephrata
         1998    Cumberland Valley    Brandywine Heights                            Hempfield
         1999    Dallastown           Schuylkill Valley                             J.P. McCaskey
         2000    Dallastown           Schuylkill Valley
         2001    Hempfield            Brandywine Heights                     2A
         2002    Cumberland Valley    Halifax & Juniata (tie)
         2003    Cumberland Valley    Juniata                                  7:   Brandywine Heights
         2004    Cumberland Valley    Bermudian Springs &
                                      Schuylkill Valley (tie)                  6:   Schuylkill Valley
         2005    Central Dauphin      Brandywine Heights
         2006    Cumberland Valley    Brandywine Heights                       5:   Boiling Springs
         2007    Central Dauphin      Brandywine Heights
         2008    Central Dauphin      Brandywine Heights* &
                                      Bermdian Springs*                        4:   Susquenita
         2009    Central Dauphin      Schuylkill Valley
         2010    Central Dauphin      Schuylkill Valley                        3:   Bermudian Springs
         2011    Central Dauphin      Bermudian Springs
         2012    Central Dauphin      Boiling Springs                               Biglerville
         2013    Central Dauphin      Boiling Springs                               Hamburg
         2014    Cumberland Valley    Boiling Springs                               Hanover
         2015    Cumberland Valley    Boiling Springs
         2016    Central Dauphin      Northern Lebanon                         2:    Juniata
         2017    Cedar Cliff          Northern Lebanon                              Northern Lebanon
         2018    Central Dauphin      Boiling Springs
         2019    Cedar Cliff          Hamburg                                       Susquehanna Township
         2020    Central Dauphin      Hamburg                                       Upper Dauphin
         2021    Central Dauphin      Hamburg
                                                                               1:   Halifax
         *-In 2008, an inadvertent scoring error led to Brandywine Heights being         South Western
         named team champion. The error was discovered after the fact, and the
         district declared both Brandywine and Bermudian Springs, which proper-
         ly outpointed Brandywine, as team champions.                    Co-champions counted as full champions for purpose
                                                                         of this list.

                                                                         Official team championships for the individual
                                                                         tournaments were implemented in the 1980-1981
                                                                         school year.

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