Page 21 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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Class of 2022
Duane Bastress Billy Chamberlain
Inducted as a wrestler and coach. Duane is a 2001 graduate of Inducted as a wrestler. Billy is a 2006 graduate of Cumberland
Bermudian Springs and a graduate of York College of Pennsylva- Valley High School and a graduate of Duquesne University
nia where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in thera- where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history in 2010.
peutic recreation and leisure in 2006. He received his teaching certificate from Wilson College in
Duane finished his high school wrestling career with 85 wins.
He placed third in the 2000 District III tournament, was the Billy finished his high school wrestling career with 110 wins and
Southwest Regional Runner-Up and qualified for States. In 20 losses. He was a two-time District III finalist and District
2001, he was the Mid-Penn conference and Sectional champi- champion in 2006. He qualified for the PIAA state tournament
on, and placed third at the district tournament. Duane’s col- twice and was the PIAA AAA state champion in 2006. He was a
lege career ended with a 114-21 record. He was the Division III two-time Fargo All American and Fila Junior All-American. In
National Champion at 184 lbs. in 2005 and 2006. In 2006, he college, Billy posted a 50-34 record. He was a NCAA national
was named the Division III Most Outstanding Wrestler with a 40 qualifier in 2009 and three-time University National All-
-0 record. He capped his career with a 65 match winning American.
streak. Duane was a three-time Division III national qualifier,
three-time Metropolitan conference finalist and two-time Met- In four years as head coach at Manheim Central High School,
ropolitan conference champion. He was the Metropolitan Con- Billy’s record was 40 – 25 with two Lancaster-Lebanon League
ference Most Outstanding Wrestler in 2006 and helped lead his championships. He coached one PIAA AAA individual state
team to a 5th place finish at the National Division III champion- champion. In his first year as head coach at Cumberland Valley,
ships. his record is 17-6. Billy resides in Lebanon, PA with his wife
Michelle, and their dog Spencer. He is a social studies teacher
Duane has posted a 100-45 record coaching the York College of at Cumberland Valley High School.
Pennsylvania wrestling program. He was named the Assistant
Coach of the Year by the Metropolitan Conference and the
NWCA Division III in 2012. In 2019, he was named the Division Steve Fittery
III Southeast Regional Coach of the Year. Duane has coached 27 Inducted as a wrestler. Steve is a 2006 graduate of Cocalico
Scholar All Americans, 16 Division III National qualifiers, 6 Divi- High School and attended Shippensburg and American Universi-
sion III All Americans including one four-time All American, and ty where he received his Bachelor’s degree in secondary educa-
12 conference champions. Duane has been inducted into the tion and mathematics.
NWCA Division III Hall of Fame (2013), the York College Athletics
Hall of Fame (2016), the Adams County Sports Hall of Fame Steve finished his high school wrestling career with 139 wins
(2018). and 20 losses. He was a Lancaster Lebanon league champion
and three-time PIAA AAA state tournament qualifier. Steve was
Duane resides in Dover, PA with his wife April and their three a two-time PIAA AAA state place winner, placing 5th and 2nd.
children (Cora, Audrey, and Drake). He is the York College of In college, Steve posted a record of 178-24. He was a PSAC
Pennsylvania’s Head Men’s and Women’s Wrestling Coach and champion, EIWA champion, and Midlands Tournament champi-
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. on. Steve was a two-time Division II finalist and two-time Divi-
sion I All-American, placing 5th and 2nd at nationals.
Cory Beaver Steve coached for 5 years in Division I programs at American,
Inducted as a wrestler. Cory is a 2008 graduate of Littlestown Maryland and Lock Haven and coached 7 Division I All-
High School and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Americans. He has been a coach at McDaniel College since
where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminology in 2017. Steve established the FITS Wrestling Academy in 2016
2012. and has trained over 2000 wrestlers at more than 25 locations
in 7 different counties across south central PA and northern
Cory finished his high school wrestling career with a record of
143 wins and 26 losses, with 71 pins. He was a four- time Dis- Maryland.
trict III place winner. Cory was the 2007 PIAA AA state champi- Steve resides in Glen Rock, PA with his wife of 10 years and two
on at 171 lbs. He is Littlestown High School’s only state champi- children.
on. Cory was a two-time letter winner for Penn and started at
189 lbs. his sophomore year. He placed 4th at East Stroudsburg
Open tournament and fourth at the Keystone Classic. Cory’s
college career was shortened by injury.
Cory resides in Frederick, MD and is employed as an air traffic
controller with the Federal Aviation Administration at the
Washington, D.C. Air Route Traffic Control Center.
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