Page 22 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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                                            HALL OF FAME

                                                       Class of 2022

        Jeff Gibble                                             Adam LoPiccolo
        Inducted as a wrestler. Jeff is a 1994 graduate of Wilson High   Inducted as a wrestler.  Adam is a 2003 graduate of Susquehan-
        School.                                                 nock High School and attended American University where he
                                                                studied film and audio production.
        Jeff finished his high school wrestling career with 121 wins, in-
        cluding 85 pins, 12 losses and one tie.  He was a three-time sec-  Adam finished his high school wrestling career with 142 wins
        tional champion, three-time District III AAA champion and the   and 7 losses.  He was a three-time District III/South Central Re-
        1994 District III AAA Wrestler of the Year.   He was a two-time   gional champion.  He was a four-time PIAA AAA state tourna-
        PIAA AAA state place winner, placing 6th in 1992 and 4th in   ment place winner and three-time state finalist, earning three
        1993.  He was the recipient of the Bud Lindholm Award for the   silver and one bronze medal.  In college, Adam was a two-time
        Berks County Wrestler of the Year three times.          NCAA Division I qualifier and was ranked as high as 5th in the
                                                                nation.  He finished 5th and 8th at the Midlands Tournament.
        Jeff is a fire fighter for North Port Fire Rescue. He resides in
        North Port, FL with his wife, Christina, twin sons Landen and   Adam is a self-employed property manager, real estate devel-
        Logan and daughters Ava and Isabella.                   oper and lumberjack. He resides in Glen Rock, PA and has two
                                                                sons, Rocco and Lucca.

        Corey Houser
        Inducted as a wrestler.  Corey is a 2007 graduate of Governor   Tyler Nauman
        Mifflin High School.                                    Inducted as a wrestler.  Tyler is a 2007 graduate of Middletown
                                                                High School and attended the University of Pittsburgh where he
        Corey started wrestling in 6th grade after signing up for wres-  received his Bachelor’s degree in communications.  He received
        tling at the Ephrata YMCA with the goal of becoming the next   his MBA from Seton Hill University in 2019.
        Stone Cold Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan.  During tournaments,
        surrounded by classmates wearing Governor Mifflin singlets, he   Tyler finished his high school wrestling career with 157 wins and
        realized wrestling was a scholastic sport like football and base-  11 losses.  He was a three-time District III champion and med-
        ball.  He went on to wrestle in junior high  and all four years in   aled four times at the PIAA AAA state tournament, finishing 7th,
        high school.  Corey finished his high school wrestling career   3rd, 2nd and first.  Tyler was the 2007 PIAA AAA state champion
        with 98 wins and 15 losses.  He was a four time sectional finalist   and Outstanding Wrestler at 130 lbs.  Tyler was ranked number
        and three-time sectional champion,  Corey was a two time Dis-  one in the nation at 130 lbs in 2007.  He was the Beast of the
        trict III AAA place winner, and he won the PIAA AAA state cham-  East champion, placed fifth at Fargo, and was the Senior Nation-
        pionship at 125 lbs. in 2007.                           als runner-up in 2007.  He was voted Outstanding Wrestling on
                                                                the PA team at the Dapper Dan tournament.  In college, Tyler’s
        Corey would like to thank his parents, teammates, teachers and   record was 141-32.  He ranks third in career wins and falls at
        coaches for sticking with him as he was a “late bloomer” and   Pitt. He was a four-time Eastern Wrestling league champion,
        credits the sport of wrestling for helping him in all aspects of life   four time NCAA Division I tournament qualifier, and two-time
        to this day.  Corey coaches wrestling at Governor Mifflin and   Division I All American finishing 5th in 2010 and 2012.  While a
        enjoys giving back to the sport at all levels and promoting the   junior at Pitt, Tyler competed at the Pan American Games on
        growth of wrestling programs for girls like his daughter   the USA Men’s freestyle team.
                                                                Tyler’s coaching experience includes a 17 – 1 record as head
        Corey is a self employed entrepreneur residing in Denver, PA   coach at Belle Vernon (2013-2014). Tyler also coached at South
        with his wife Deanna and daughter Gracelyn.
                                                                Park High School, Drexel University, University of Pittsburgh,
                                                                and Seton Hill University.  Tyler is a co-founder of the Team
                                                                Nauman Wrestling Club.  He also coached the Quest Wrestling
                                                                Club and was the PA state wrestling’s representative for the
                                                                National High School Coaches Association.
                                                                Tyler is a claims adjuster for New York Life and resides in Finley-
                                                                ville, PA.  He has two daughters, Leila and Reagan.

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