Page 23 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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Class of 2022
Walter Peppelman Rick Schmelyun
Inducted as a wrestler. Walter is a 2008 graduate of Central Inducted as a wrestler. Rick is a 2006 graduate of Bermudian
Dauphin High School and attended Harvard University where he Springs High School and attended Bloomsburg University where
received his Bachelor’s degree in government in 2013. He re- he received his Bachelor’s degree in sociology in 2010.
ceived his MBA in finance and investment management from
MIT Sloan School of Management in 2020. Rick finished his high school wrestling career with 92 wins and
12 losses. He was a two-time District III AA champion. Rick was
Walter finished his high school wrestling career with 172 wins a three-time PIAA AA state medalist, finishing 5th in 2004 and
and 13 losses. He served as Central Dauphin’s team captain for 3rd in 2005. He was the 2006 PIAA AAA state champion at 140
three years. He was the District III champion in 2005, finished lbs. He was a National High School Coaches Association All
2nd in 2006 and 2007 and third in 2008. Walter medaled four American in 2005 and 2006 and Academic All American in 2006.
times at the PIAA AAA state tournament, finishing 3rd, 2nd, 1st In college, Rick’s record was 117-57. He is ranked 7th in all time
and 2nd. Walter was the 2007 PIAA AAA state champion at 135 wins at Bloomsburg, 4th in pins and 5th in single season pins.
lbs. He was a two-time Powerade champion, a Beast of the East He was a two-time NCAA Division I national qualifier and was
finalist, and two-time Super 32 finalist. He was a USA Wrestling the EWL Dual Meets Points Champion.
Junior Nationals All American and was selected for the Dapper
Dan Team PA. He was ranked as high as second nationally by Rick coached at Bermudian Springs from 2011-2013. He
Wrestling USA Magazine. In college, Walter’s record was 111- coached youth wrestling at Outlaw Wrestling Club and Top
42. He posted the fifth highest wins in Harvard wrestling histo- Dawg Wrestling Club. He participated in the Local Legends
ry, and his 31 falls rank him third in school history. He was a Charity Wrestling Match in 2015, 2017, and 2019.
two-time NCAA Division I All-American, placing 8th in 2011 and Rick is a production manager of rentals construction for Burken-
2012. He was a two-time EIWA finalist and three-time place tine Builders. He lives in Mechanicsburg, PA with his fiancé,
winner. He was Harvard’s team captain for three years and was Kate Krebs and has three children, Max, Amelia, and Maverick
the recipient of Harvard University’s John P. Reardon award for
top male scholar-athlete.
Larry Wildermuth
Walter was named to the Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Asso- Inducted as a coach. Larry was a 1965 graduate of Governor
ciation Hall of Fame and was the New York City Beat the Streets Mifflin High School and a graduate of Albright College where he
Volunteer of the Year. Walter is an investor for T. Rowe Price received a Bachelor’s degree in history and education in 1969.
and lives in Baltimore, MD with his wife, Jacque, and son, Wal- He also did graduate work at Lehigh University and completed
ter. his Master’s degree in 21st century education at Wilkes Univer-
sity. He taught for 42 years before retiring.
Brian Polashuk Larry was an outstanding wrestler in high school and went on to
Inducted as a wrestler. Brian is a 2006 graduate of Spring Grove share his passion for the sport as a coach. Larry posted a record
High School and attended York College of Pennsylvania where of 272 wins, 138 losses and two ties as head coach at Oley Val-
he received his bachelor’s degree in secondary education and ley High School from 1969 to 1997. During that time, he
history in 2010. He received his Master of Science in education coached 25 PIAA state qualifiers, six District III champions, and
from Wilkes College in 2014. four PIAA state place winners. His teams won eight division
championships and were the 1990-1991 Berks County champi-
Brian finished his high school wrestling career with 142 wins.
He was a four-time District III qualifier, finishing fourth in 2005. ons. The Oley Valley matches against Brandywine Heights with
He was the District III champion in 2006. He was the 2006 PIAA long-time coach, the late Sam Lovello, were held in sold out
AAA state champion at 125 lbs. He represented Pennsylvania at gyms with overflow crowds watching from the cafeteria on
the 2006 Dapper Dan Wrestling Classic. closed circuit television. Later, to accommodate more fans, the
matches were moved to Kutztown University. Larry was the
Brian’s coaching record was 49-6 at Spring Grove High School Tulpehocken Junior High head coach and proudly coached his
where he coached from 2007 – 2010. He coached five state grandchildren in the Tulpehocken elementary program. Larry
place winners, one runner up and one state champion. He was was also proud his sons-in-law Brynn and Keegan helped coach
named to the Spring Grove Hall of Fame. Brian is a teacher in the grandsons in wrestling. Larry was inducted into the Berks
the Conewago Valley School District and lives in Spring Grove, County Hall of Fame and the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame
PA with his wife, Nancy, and three children, Noah, Graeme, and in 2018.
Sadly, Larry passed away March 24, 2020. He is survived by his
wife of 51 years, Marge and their two daughters, Jenel and Eri-
ka and their husbands Brynn and Keegan, as well as five grand-
sons who wrestle, Abramm, Caleb, Rhys, Jayce, and Channing
Schaffer and four granddaughters, Havyn, Eliana, Yarow, and Evi
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