Page 3 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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Welcome to the 2021-2022 District III M&T Bank
Winter Championship Series.
Celebrating the Success of Student
I am pleased to enter my third school year as PIAA Athletes in South Central Pennsylvania
District III Chairman.
Table of Contents
It is always fulfilling to work for the benefit of our (Click on page below to go directly to page)
schools’ student-athletes. We have a great team of District III Committee Members ......... 2
dedicated people serving on the District III Committee, About PIAA District III ......................... 3
and a large number of equally dedicated people District III 2021 Champions ................. 4
throughout the district’s 10-county jurisdiction who 2022 Tournament Schedules .............. 5
serve as game managers and support staff for our Championships. Championship History.................... 6-14
D3 State Champions ......................... 15
After a very challenging 2020-2021 year that altered our championship format, we
D3 NCAA Placewinners ..................... 16
are delighted to be returning to full fields for our championship brackets this year.
Reflecting on last year, I am very proud of how our schools and students D3 Wrestling Hall of Fame ........... 17-22
responded to the challenges of the pandemic, and I am grateful for the D3 Head Coaches .............................. 24
2022 D3 Team Championship ........... 25
opportunities we were able to provide for them to compete in meaningful, post-
season contests. 2022 AA Brackets ......................... 26-38
2023 AAA Brackets....................... 39-51
District III is looking forward to having families, friends, classmates and Student Awards ................................ 52
community supporters back in the stands to give our students the full gameday
experience they richly deserve. We should not take for granted the spirit of
competition, sportsmanship and pure enjoyment these games offer all of us.
The Committee appreciates the support it receives from its longstanding partner-
ships. We are in our 11th year with M&T Bank as the primary sponsor of our
championship events. We have also partnered with The Peyton Walker
Foundation to increase heart health and Sudden Cardiac Arrest awareness and
with River Rock Academy as a supporting partner.
Lastly, we would like to recognize the commitment and contributions made by our
game officials. Simply put, we could not play the games without them. Anyone
who might be interested in becoming an official is encouraged to go to the PIAA
website for more information.
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes in District III and ENJOY THE GAME!
Cover Photo Credits:
Bishop McDevitt’s Riley Robell and
Central Dauphin’s Matt Repos are
hoping to become 3-time District
champions this weekend. Photos by
Pennlive’s Vicki Vellios Briner and
Sean Simmers.
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