Page 7 - PIAA District III 2022 Wrestling Championship Program
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                 Class 2A Wrestling Championships                           Class 3A Southcentral Region
                      Central Dauphin East HS                                     Spring Grove HS
                       Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022                        Friday, Feb. 25 - Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022

          Admission: $8 (good for the entire tournament)          Friday, February 25 (Admission: $6)
                                                                  1:45 pm – Skin Checks & Weigh In
          8:45 am – Skin Checks                                   2:45 pm – National Anthem – Wrestling Begins
          9:00 am – Weigh In                                      •   Championship I (Round of 16)
          10:00 am` – National Anthem - Wrestling Begins          •   Championship II (Quarterfinals) & Wrestle Back #1
          •   Championship I (Round of 16)                           (Round of 8 #1)
          •   Championship II (Quarterfinals) & Wrestle Back #1    •   Wrestle Back 2 (Round.of 8 #2)
             (Round of 8 #1)
          •   Wrestle Back 2 (Round.of 8 #2)                      Saturday, February 26 (Admission: $8)
          •   Championship III (Semifinals) & Wrestle Back 3      8:45 am – Skin Checks & Weigh In
             (Round.of 4)                                         9:45 am – National Anthem
          •   Wrestle Back 4 (Consolation Semifinals) & Wrestleback   10:00 am - Wrestling Begins
             5 (Consolation 7th place)                            •   Championship III (Semifinals) & Wrestle Back 3
          •   BOOKS – HALL OF FAME – PARADE OF CHAMPIONS             (Round.of 4)
          •   Championship (Finals) & Consolation Finals  (3rd & 5th)    •   Wrestle Back 4 (Consolation Semifinals)
                                                                  •   BOOKS – HALL OF FAME – PARADE OF CHAMPIONS
          NOTE: Each round will follow the prior round with no breaks   •   Championship (Finals) & Consolation Finals (3rd & 5th)
          unless, a break is needed to satisfy the 45-minute rest peri-
          od between each wrestler’s prior match. As a result, it is   NOTE: Each round will follow the prior round with no breaks
          possible that bout numbers will, at some point, be out of   unless, a break is needed to satisfy the 45-minute rest peri-
          order.                                                  od between each wrestler’s prior match. As a result, it is
                                                                  possible that bout numbers will, at some point, be out of
                      Class 2A Southeast Region
                     Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA
              Friday, March 4 - Saturday, March 5, 2022                          PIAA Championships
          Friday, 4:30pm  Championship 1st round, quarterfinal                Giant Center, Hershey, PA
                        round, consolation 1st round               Thursday, March 10 - Saturday, March 12, 2022
          Sat., 9:30 am   Consolation 2nd & 3rd rounds; champion-   Thursday  Preliminaries & 1st round consolations
                        ship semifinals, consolation semifinals   Friday   2A quarterfinals, semifinals & consolations
          Sat., 4:50 pm   PARADE OF CHAMPIONS                              3A quarterfinals & consolations
          Sat., 5:00 pm   Championship, 3rd place, 5th place matches   Saturday  2A championship & place matches
                                                                           3A semifinals, place matches & championships


         OFFICIALS: Scott Anderson, Paul Arigo, Rickey Bechtel, Greg Duke, Steven Grove, Robert Gano, Jeffrey Broad, Braxton Ditty, Curt
         Herneisen, Steve Hess, Ray Kahler, Matthew Langdon, Vince McFadden, Bryant Meckley, William Metzger, Christopher Ott, Mike
         Rampulla, Jose Rosa, Kristofer Snader, Sonny Sneeringer, Timothy Vanderhoof
         TIMERS/SCORERS: Tom Abrams, Ed Adams, Ron Baker, Earl Bright, Charlie Chopp, Warren Dodson, Andrew Fox, Brad Ginter, Todd
         Johnson, Tom Knorr, Ron Kraus, Steve Lebo, Tim Mannino, Zach Sontag, Earl Stodard, Tony Yanello
         PHYSICIANS:  Dr. Joe Andrie, Dr. Jayson Loeffert, Dr. Scott Lynch, Dr. Shawn Phillips
         HEAD TRAINER: Sonny Mills  TRAINERS-ATC:  Dave Arp, Jeff Crawford, Caryn Flaherty, Elise Galinskie, Sue Geesey, Tom Horst, Kris-
         tin Lyons, Beth Parrish, Krista Peters, Marina Rohrbaugh
         ANNOUNCERS: Rick Fox, Ryan Hartman
         FLOOR MANAGERS: Donald "Bub" Kauffman, Doug Rogers
         AWARDS / PASS GATE: Fred Isopi, Brad Keeney, Sam Monismith, Larry Reigle, Gerry Schwille
         BRACKETS/ COMPUTER TECHS: Triple J Boutmaster - Demonte Temple, Todd Stine, Jill Stine

         TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: Mike Craig, Greg Goldthorp
                             2 0 2 2   D I S T R I C T   I I I   O F F I C I A L   P R O G R A M
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