Page 20 - 2024 District III Wrestling Program
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                                            HALL OF FAME

                                                       Class of 2024

        Chad Gallaher                                           Ed Gotwals
                              Inducted as a coach.  Chad graduat-                     Inducted as a contributor.  Ed gradu-
                              ed from Camp Hill High School in                        ated from Chambersburg Area High
                              1987 and received a Bachelor’s de-                      School in 1972.  He attended Gettys-
                              gree in Biology Secondary Education                     burg College where he earned a
                              from Shippensburg University in                         bachelor's degree in political science
                              1991.                                                   in 1976.
                              As a wrestler in high school, Chad                      Ed wrestled for four years at Cham-
                              compiled a record of 73 wins and 20                     bersburg and became the first Tro-
                              losses. He was a state qualifier his                    jan wrestler to advance to the Dis-
                              senior year.  As a coach at Camp Hill                   trict 3 semi-final round.  A longtime
                              High School for the past 28 years,                      supporter of high school wrestling,
                              Chad’s teams have won 281 matches                       Ed covered the sport for 41 years as
                              and lost 242.  He has coached 12                        a sportswriter at the Chambersburg
                              sectional champions, 5 district                         Public Opinion including every Dis-
        champions, 2 regional champions, and 2 state place-winners.   trict 3 Wrestling championship since 1977 except two that were
                                                                missed due to illness.  He was the Sports Editor from 2000 –
        Chad lives in Camp Hill where he is a middle school science   2017.  In 2019, he was recognized with the PA Wrestling Round-
        teacher.  He and his wife Wendy have 2 children, Alex and    up Media Award of Excellence.
                                                                Ed currently reports on wrestling for the website TheSports-

                                                       and works part-time at Penn National Golf Club.  He
        Nicholas Hodgkins                                       lives in Chambersburg with his wife, Elizabeth.
                              Inducted as a wrestler.  Nicholas is a
                              2011 graduate of Wyomissing Area
                              Senior High School and attended   Rob Rapsey
                              Central Michigan University.                            Inducted as a coach.  Rob graduated
                              Nicholas finished his high school                       from Cedar Cliff High School in 1981.
                              wrestling career with 164 wins and 8                    He attended Bloomsburg University
                              losses.  He was a two-time PIAA                         and graduated with a degree in edu-
                              state champion.  He was the cham-                       cation in 1987.
                              pion at the Beast of the East and                       Rob’s career coaching record was
                              Super 32 tournaments.  Nicholas                         258 wins and 59 losses in 14 years
                              was ranked first in the nation his                      coaching at Cedar Cliff High School
                              senior year.                                            from 2006 - 2019.  He achieved 250
                              Nicholas is an Assistant Coach for                      wins faster than any coach in Cedar
        the Governor Mifflin elementary wrestling program.   He is a                  Cliff history, and his winning per-
        telecom technician for Berks Western Telecom.  He lives in                    centage of 0.814 is the best in
        Reading, PA with his wife, Caitlin and three children, Cassidy,               school history.  Rob coached seven
        Edith and Maeve.                                                              Mid-Penn Champion teams, four
                                                                District 3 team champions, two team champions at the District
                                                                3 individual tournament and two District 3 Team Dual Champi-
                                                                ons.  His teams appeared in five PIAA State Team Dual Champi-
         About the District 3 Wrestling Hall of Fame            onships.  Rob coached 71 Sectional finalists, 27 Sectional cham-
                                                                pions, 38 District place winners, 22 District 3 /SC Regional final-
         The District 3 Wrestling Hall of Fame is funded and adminis-
         tered by the District’s Wrestling Coaches Association. It has   ists, 15 District 3/South Central Regional champions, 33 PIAA
         no affiliation with the PIAA District 3 Committee or its mem-  state qualifiers, 16 PIAA state place winners, and 4 PIAA state
         bers.  The Wrestling Coaches Association receives annual   finalists.
         nominations with selectees chosen by a vote of the associa-  Rob is currently the executive director at Wrestling with the
         tion’s  Executive Committee.  This year’s seven inductees   Outdoors.  He lives in Mechanicsburg, PA with his wife, Leslie.
         bring the total number of wrestlers, coaches, officials and   They have three children, Nate, Chelsea and Laney.
         other contributors to 215.

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