Page 12 - programme book
P. 12

10:55 – 11:15   AM-007                              FD-001
 Siti Nurul Aifa Mohd Zainul                   Nurul Amira Zainal
    Abidin                                  Unsteady Mixed Convection
 INVITED 1A   Exact Analysis of Unsteady   INVITED 1C   Flow Near the Stagnation
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norazak Senu   Solute Dispersion in Blood Flow   Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Sarifah   Points of a Vertical Plate
 Numerical Study of Two-  – A Theoretical Study    Radiah Shariff   Embedded in a Hybrid
 Derivative Runge–Kutta Type   Optimizing Workforce   Nanofluid
 11:15 – 11:35   Methods for Solving General   AM-008   Utilization in Motorcycle   FD-002
 Third-order Ordinary Differential    Cheah Yuat Hoong   Component Assembly    Nadihah Wahi
 Equations   Modeling and Simulation on     Hybrid Method in Simulating
 Roundabout with Waiting                     Stationary Shock Problem
 11:35 – 11:55   DE-001   AM-009    OR-006           FD-003
 Che Haziqah Che Hussin   Mahmoud Moustafa   Yeo Heng Giap Ivan   Wan Faezah Wan Azmi
 Approximate Analytical Solutions   Mathematical Modelling and   An Inventory Model with    Slip Velocity Effect on
 of Second-Order Nonlinear   Simulation of Periodontal   Recovery and Periodic   Unsteady Free Convection
 Telegraph Equations   Ligament using   Delivery that Considers   Flow of Casson Fluid in a
 COMSOL Multiphysics   Carbon Emission Cost      Vertical Cylinder

 11:55 – 12:15   DE-002   AM-010   OR-005            FD-004
  Nur Inshirah Naqiah Ismail   Mohamed Faris Laham   Ain Aqiela Azamuddin    Nur Syahirah Wahid
 Solving Neutral Delay Volterra   Numerical Simulation of   New Hybrid Conjugate   Magnetic Nanofluids (MNFs)
 Integro-differential Equation   American Style of Asian Options   Gradient Method under Exact   Radiative Flow over a Moving
 using Block Method   under Jump Diffusion Process   Line Search   Surface with Convective
                                                Boundary Condition
 12:15 – 12:35   DE-003   AM-011   OR-008            FD-005
  Siti Solehah binti Bakar   Siti Nur Iqmal    Rokhsaneh Yousef Zehi   Rusya Iryanti Yahaya
 Solving SEIR model using   Valuation of Power Call   Uncertain Negative Data in   MHD Flow of Hybrid
 Symmetrized Runge Kutta   Options PDE under the Black-  DEA: An Application of   Nanofluid Past a Stretching
 Methods: Implicit Midpoint Rule   Scholes Model   Banking in Malaysia   Sheet: Double Stratification
 (IMR) and Implicit Trapezoidal              and Multiple Slips Effects
 Rule (ITR)
 12:35 – 14:00 BREAK SESSION

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