Page 14 - programme book
P. 14


 14:00 – 16:20 PARALLEL SESSION  2

               2A   2B    2C                           1C
    ROOM A   ROOM B   ROOM C                        ROOM C
 Time (GMT+8)   Chairperson:    Chairperson:    Chairperson:    Chairperson:
    Dr.Witriany Basri    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Hasana   Mrs. Nazihah Mohamed Ali   Dr. Norhaslinda Ali
 14:00 – 14:20   AA-001                              ST-004
  Nurfarah Zulkifli                              Nurliyana Juhan
        Noncoprime Graphs and              Bayesian MCMC Approach in
 Probability for Some Dihedral                Prognostic Modelling of
 Groups                                      Cardiovascular Disease in
                                             Malaysia: A Convergence
 Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh    INVITED 2C                Diagnostic

 Stability and Bifurcation   Prof. Dr. Shalini Chandra
 14:20 – 14:40   AA-003                              ST-007
                Determinants of BMI for
  Mamika Ujianita Romdhini   Analysis of a Harvested Leslie-  Indian Women: Estimates from   Norshahida Shaadan
 Gower Predator-Prey Model in
 Neighbors Degree Sum Energy of   the Presence of Weak Allee   NFHS – IV   An Efficient Tool for
 Commuting and Non-Commuting   Effect         Monitoring Air Quality
 Graph for Dihedral Groups                   (PM10) at Several Cities in
                                             Peninsular Malaysia Using
                                               Functional Principal
                                           Component Control Chart with
                                                Data Pre-Whitening

 14:40 – 15:00   AA-004    AM-002   ST-006           ST-015
 Mohammad Azim Mohd    Hor Sin Tang   Nada Mohammed Saeed   Noratiqah Mohd Ariff
 Azahari   Lie Symmetries, Optimal   Alharbi   Comparative Analysis between
 Translation-Invariant p-Adic   System, and Invariant Solutions  Alternative Interval Estimation   L-Moments and Maximum
 Gibbs Measures for the Potts   of the Generalized Cox-  for the Generalized   Product Spacings Method for
 Model on the Cayley Tree of   Ingersoll-Ross Equation   Exponential Distribution with   Extreme           Concentration
 Order Four   Interval Censored and Fixed

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