Page 19 - programme book
P. 19
11:25 – 11:45 FD-008 AM-012 GE-001
Fadzilah Md Ali Muhammad Khairi Abdul Fatemeh Ahangari
Wang’s Stretching/Shrinking Razak Metric Foliated Cocycles
Sheet Problem for Nanofluids Robustness of Image Adapted to Isotropic Systems
with the Effects of Suction and Watermarking Scheme Based of Second Order Ordinary *TBA
Injection on Modified Non-Separable Differential Equations
Haar Wavelet Transform
against Image Processing and
Geometric Attacks
11:45 – 12:05 FD-009 AM-013 OR-004
Mohd Ezad Hafidz Hafidzuddin Suzelawati Zenian Ashweena Sundar
Analysis of Tangent Hyperbolic Application of Intuitionistic Simulated Annealing *TBA
over a Vertical Porous Sheet of Type II Fuzzy Set on fEEG Approach for an Outpatient
Carreau Fluid and Heat Transfer Image Scheduling in a Hemodialysis
12:05 – 12:25 FD-010 AM-015 OR-010
Suhaila Saupi Sudha Dhandapani Gafurjan Ibragimov
Mhd Hybrid Nanofluid over a Subramanian Optimal Number of Pursuers in
Permeable Stretching Surface Approximation Theory in UP- the Differential Game on the *TBA
Embedded in Porous Medium algebras Based on Intuitionistic 1-skeleton of 4D Cube
with Thermal Radiation and Slip Fuzzy Sets
12:25 – 12.45 GE-002 AM-016 OR-003
Fatemeh Ahangari Ahmad Qushairi Mohamad Aditi Rajput
Exhaustive Analysis of a Natural Convection Flow of System Dynamics Simulation
Distinguished Five-Dimensional Casson Fluid with Carbon Model to reduce the Traffic
Solution of Einstein Field Nanotubes Past an Accelerated Congestion of Metropolitan *TBA
Equations for Rotating Fluids Cities of India by
via Variational Symmetries implementing Intelligent
Transportation System
12:45 – 14:10 BREAK SESSION