Page 24 - programme book
P. 24

15:30 – 15:50   AN-003   OT-007   ST-018            ST-023
 Mansi Verma   Ahlam Alharbi    Dg Siti Nurisya Sahirah Ag   Wei Lun Tan
 The Existence of Minimizers for   New Generalized Closed   Isha   Autonomous Language
 the Fuzzy Variational Problems   Concepts in Fuzzy Bitopological   Multiple Regression Analysis   Processing and Text Mining by
 and its Application to Optimal   Spaces   in Identifying Internal and   Data Analytics for Business
 Control Problem   External Factors Contributing    Solutions
              to Academic Achievement: A
                Case Study in Universiti
                   Malaysia Sabah

 15:50 – 16:10   AN-004   OT-001    ST-026           ST-024
 Sarimah Surianshah    Siti Nabilah Yusof    Idari Ismail   Zamira Hasanah Zamzuri
 Technology and Student   An IND-CPA Analysis on a   Two-Parameter Bathtub   Classifying the Severity Levels
 Perceptions on Online Learning   Cryptosystem Based on   Hazard Model with Covariates   of Traffic Accidents using
 Based on Socioeconomic   Bivariate Polynomial   and Right Censored Data    Decision Tree
 Background   Reconstruction Problem

 16:10 – 16:30   AN-005   OT-005   ST-028            DS-001
 Yasir Arfat    Idham Arif Alias    Hussein Ali AL-Hakeem   Mohd Aftar Abu Bakar
 An Accelerated Projection-  Group Attack of Many Pursuers   Generalized Exponential   Wavelet Convolutional Neural
 based Parallel Hybrid   Against One Evader in an   Distribution with Interval-  Network for Forecasting
 Algorithm for Fixed Point and   Evasion Differential Game of   Censored Data and Time   Malaysian PM10 Time Series
 Split Null Point Problems in   Integral Constraint   Dependent Covariate    Data
 Hilbert Spaces

 16:35 – 17:15 CLOSING CEREMONY

 •16:40 Best Presenter & Poster Awards
 •16:50 Closing Speech by The Dean of Faculty of Science, UPM
 •17:05 Video for Closing Ceremony
 •17:10 Photography Session


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