Page 27 - programme book
P. 27


                    Numerical Study of Two-Derivative Runge–Kutta Type Methods for
                        Solving General Third-order Ordinary Differential Equations

                                           Norazak Senu  and Lee Khai Chien
                                                        1, a)
                                   1) Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science,
                                Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
                                  2) Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                           UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.


               Abstract. A class of explicit Runge–Kutta type methods with the involvement of fourth derivative,
               denoted as two-derivative Runge–Kutta type (TDRKT) methods, are proposed and investigated for
               solving a class of third-order ordinary differential equations in the form u'''= f (x, ux,u'x,u''(x)). In this
               paper, two stages with algebraic order five and three stages with algebraic order six are presented. The
               derivation of TDRKT methods involves single third derivative and  multiple evaluations of fourth
               derivative for every step. Stability property of  the methods are analyzed. Beside that study on
               trigonometrically fitted methods for solving problems with oscillating solutions are presented. Accuracy
               and efficiency of the new methods are exhibited through numerical experiments.

               Keywords: Runge–Kutta type methods; third-order ordinary differential equations; Algebraic order;
               stability property; rooted-tree

                 Prevalence and Determinants of Hypertension and Diabetes in India: An
                                           Evidence from NFHS-4 Data

                                           Gargi Tyagi  and Shalini Chandra

                   Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali, Rajasthan
                                                       304022 India.

                                        Corresponding author:

               Abstract. Hypertension and diabetes are two major risk factors which cause life threatening non-
               communicable  diseases  such as  brain stroke,  cardiovascular diseases, etc. India is  seeing  a rapid
               increase in prevalence of hypertension and diabetes year by year. To reduce such cases, it is important
               to identify socio-demographic and geographic groups.  This study aims to identify some socio-
               demographic factors associated with hypertension and diabetes and to find spatial clusters to locate
               high prevalent areas. Spatial regression models will be used to estimate the area-specific prevalence
               of hypertension and diabetes using the national family health survey 2015-16 (NFHS-4) data.

               Keywords: Non-communicable diseases, Regression model, Spatial model, National Family Health
               Survey, India.

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