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Roles and Responsibilities
Head of AMS team
Is either an Infectious Disease Physician/Paediatrician, senior physician or
clinician deemed to be suitable by the Hospital Director.
Represents the AMS team in the Hospital Infection and Antibiotic Control
Committee (HIACC) and gives feedback on AMS programme.
Co-opted in the Drugs and Therapeutics Committee (JKUT) when
considering changes of antimicrobials in the hospital formulary.
Prepares surveillance and audit reports for submission to state and
national level.
Proposes annual AMS activities with the Hospital Director and various
Infectious Disease Physician / Senior
Physician or Clinician
Leads the technical component of Antimicrobial Stewardship team.
Advises on specific stewardship related cases and issues.
Second Edition 2022 | Protocol on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programme in Healthcare Facilities 23