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Specific Policies

            Implementation of AMS activities according to category & type of facilities.

                 State and Major Specialist Hospitals    Minor and Non-Specialist Hospitals

              i.    Surveillance and feedback mechanism    i.    Surveillance and feedback mechanism
                    on specific antimicrobial consumption.         on specific antimicrobial consumption.
                    (Core Strategy)                        (Core Strategy)
              ii.   Implementation of prospective audit   ii.   Implementation of prospective audit
                    and feedback according to local needs.         and feedback according to local needs.
                    (Core Strategy)                        (Core Strategy)
              iii.  Formalize regular antimicrobial rounds   iii.  Establishment of formulary restriction
                    by AMS team especially in State and         and preauthorization/ approval system.
                    Specialist Hospital. (Core Strategy)         (Core Strategy)
              iv.   Establishment of formulary restriction   iv.   Establishment of antimicrobial order
                    and preauthorization/ approval system.         tools for restricted antimicrobials.
                    (Core Strategy)                  v.    De-escalation/streamlining the
              v.    Establishment of antimicrobial order         antibiotic usage.
                    tools for restricted antimicrobials.   vi.  Antimicrobial selection and dose
              vi.  De-escalation/streamlining the          optimization of the antimicrobial.
                    antibiotic usage.                vii. Initiation of intravenous (IV) to oral
              vii. Antimicrobial selection and dose         (PO) switch programme.
                    optimization of the antimicrobial.
              viii.Establishment of intravenous (IV) to
                    oral (PO) switch programme.

                            Primary care*** with Family Medicine Specialist (FMS)

              i.    Surveillance and feedback mechanism on specific antimicrobial consumption (DDD).
                    (Core Strategy)
              ii.   Implementation of process audit (clinical audit, structure audit, and Point Prevalence
                    Survey) and feedback according to local needs. (Core Strategy)
              iii.  Establishment of formulary restriction and preauthorization/ approval system.
                    (Core Strategy)

              ***for primary care without FMS, AMS team from the main clinic shall conduct a
              minimal AMS activity such as clinical audit

                   Second Edition 2022 |  Protocol on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programme in Healthcare Facilities  19
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