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1. To optimize antimicrobial therapy in order to maximize clinical cure or prevent
infections by optimizing selection, dosing, route, and duration of antimicrobial therapy.
2. To minimize the unintended consequences such as the emergence of antimicrobial
resistance and adverse drug events.
3. To improve patient outcomes (e.g. reduce morbidity and mortality from infection).
4. To reduce healthcare costs without adversely impacting the quality of care.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation
At the healthcare facility level, different contexts and types of facilities will face different
challenges. The essential healthcare facility core elements in the WHO toolkit: Antimicrobial
Stewardship Programmes in Healthcare Facilities in Low- and Middle-income Countries
(Appendix 2) have been stratified into basic core elements requiring fewer resources and more
advanced core elements requiring more resources. However, this differentiation may vary from
facility to facility based on size, needs, priorities, resources and context. (Refer Table 2.)
The Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme in hospitals is under the purview of the Hospital
Infection and Antibiotic Control Committee and is supported by the:
a. Hospital Director
b. Head of various clinical departments
c. Head of Pharmacy Department
d. Head of Medical Microbiology
16 Protocol on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programme in Healthcare Facilities | Second Edition 2022