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Step 3 - Assess the effectiveness of interventions

            Once AMS interventions have been implemented or performed, analyse and present changes
            made (with the respective unit, if applicable). Discuss whether the interventions should be
            continued or changed and follow up with a continuous improvement cycle i.e. Plan-Do-Study-

            Tips to run AMS activities for small hospital and limited resources

            Studies have demonstrated a number of interventions to improve antibiotic use for each of
            these three disease conditions; community- acquired pneumonia (CAP), urinary tract infection
            (UTI) and skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI). Hence, these are often high-yield targets for

            Key opportunities to improve antimicrobial usage:

                                                                      Assess duration of
                       Diagnostic              Guide empiric
                       considerations          therapy                therapy including
                                                                      discharge prescription

              CAP      Review cases at 48      Avoid empiric use of   Uncomplicated
                       hours to confirm        antipseudomonal beta-  pneumonia can be
                       pneumonia diagnosis     lactams and/or         treated for 5-7 days in
                       versus non-infectious   methicillin-resistant   the setting of timely
                       etiology.               Staphylococcus aureus   appropriate clinical
                                               (MRSA) agents unless   response.
                                               clinically indicated.

              UTI      Implement criteria to   Establish              Use the shortest
                       ensure urine culture    checklist/criteria to   duration for antibiotic
                       sent for those clinically   distinguish        therapy where
                       indicated.              asymptomatic/          clinically appropriate.
                                               symptomatic bacteriuria.
                                               Avoid antibiotic therapy
                                               for asymptomatic
                                               bacteriuria except for
                                               certain clinical

        38   Protocol on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programme in Healthcare Facilities | Second Edition 2022
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