Page 11 - Novem December 2016
P. 11
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 2)
the day can be streamlined into those Lazy, slothful and unimaginative purposes
things that really matter. Unfortunately, collaborate within the pretentiousness of
we all too often allow ourselves to be “group-think”. For this, the leader is ever
arrogantly seduced by what we think vigilant and creative, by being steps ahead
D is important, but essentially wastes the of the rest. Courage is of high value.
E precious moments of a limited time
C frame. Lacking discipline and maturity, Immaturity in oppositional forces
E we are often interrupted and distracted. contrives to prevent us for going forward
P with the mission we are called to
T And yet, a focused mind is vigilant to pursue. Personally, we must rise above
I the passage of time, and the urgency the foolishness and show that we are
O of self-evolution toward an ascendant undaunted by obstacles. Professionally,
N transformation. Patient, empathetic, we must endeavor to be visionary and
gentle and wise, the leader is a mentor, inventive, concerned with productive
a guide and one who is an example to progressions. The processes must be led
others. As others cannot be taught a in such a way, that interactions work
single thing, they can only learn given effectively.
their willingness for paying attention.
One is mindful of his or her presence Reality trumps frivolity that wastes time,
for the time they have. Strength of allows abuses and squanders precious
character demands hard work and a resources. Each aspect ought to be
mature framework in order to transcend critically analyzed for every probable
the moment. Unflinching is the courage instance of innovation, inspirational
of one’s resolve to overcome selfishness creativity and cooperative persistence,
in primal nature and prevail against within the organizational structure.
the surrounding cowardice of herded Excessive, misguided, and gossipy time-
conformity. Wolves often wear sheep’s wasting conversations, foolish juvenile
clothing, as so-called experts close in to antics, aimless chitchat, and insincere
ensure their deceptions and disrupt the interactivity distracts from the higher
processes. calling. Like useless meetings to have
meetings, such insecure obsessions should
For bloated is the grotesque obsession be altered immediately. Leaders seize
of many for the consumptive satiation the moment and are alert to the many
of devolving perceptions and regressive deceptions.
actions. Leadership is undaunted by the
unholy fearfulness of the weak minded. For the brevity of flash in time, overuse of