Page 12 - Novem December 2016
P. 12
Leadership Principles of the Warrior (Part 2)
every aspect of telecommunications of human nature, remains essential to
in any form, not productive to the perfecting leadership capacity. Distractions
mission and goals, individually and pull the senses in various directions,
professionally, for the advancement deflecting from the critical matters at
of enlightened collectivity, should be hand. The most important is self-evolving
carefully evaluated. People use excuses maturation. Nothing really matters but D
of all kinds to escape responsibility the matter that transcends the mundane E
and accountability. Alleged pretenses anxiety of selfishness. To this, are the C
to “transparency” ought to encourage myriad mazes of foolish time wasters E
the frankness of straightforward within any organizational structure. P
commentary. To be open is to be blunt, T
honest and truthful, regardless of the The list, the chronology and the I
offense that might be taken. Grownups accumulation of time wasters is O
use discourse conducive to wise and exhaustive. Immaturity, self-validation, N
purposeful advancement. fragmented selfness, juvenile obsessions
with bygone eras of high school frivolities,
Immature people use whining, sniveling boyish carnalities, and failures to self-
and malcontented self-centeredness to transcend one’s experiences, dogmatically
promote their dysfunctions. A sense pursue wasteful regressions. Leadership
of maturity in one’s “warrior mindset” utilizes timeliness in profound and
is one in which the individual travels properly managed frames of reference, to
a lifelong learning passage of self- enhance self-mastery.
evolving enlightenment. The warrior is
one engaged in the “warfare” of life and One strives to be calm, controlled
death, whereby one embraces the pains and properly allocated by sensory
and pleasures of personal existence. awareness within the scope of many
Psycho-physiological ascendency points of interactivity. A lot of a person’s
stimulates the warrior to stay in the squandering of timeliness relates to poor
personal struggle of transformation. discipline in planning, and the failure
Vigorous courage in the face of to establish the right priorities. Time
many obstacles is required to remain leadership is essential to accomplishing
committed to the engagement. the goals and objectives of the
organization, the group and the individual.
A non-anxious, confident and This also applies to the subunits within the
differentiated perspective, as one organization, as well as the larger social
encounters the daily contrivances culture and subcultures within it.