Page 32 - Novem December 2016
P. 32
Integrated Firearm Safety Principles
EIJ: What amount of training does the range master get before he or she goes to the
range and interacts with the public?
Mas: That, of course, depends on the range in question; whether the range is law
enforcement, military, or open to the public; and the given jurisdiction.
EIJ: Is there an annual firearm certification(s) for range officers and the pistol range
itself or does that vary from state to state?
Mas: Again, that depends upon jurisdiction and setting. In the state where I serve
as a police officer, the Police Standards and Training Council sets standards for
firearms instructors working with law enforcement personnel. In the private citizen
sector, it will depend on state law, and the requirements of the given entity which
conferred instructorship credentials.
EIJ: The N.R.A. is in constant battle with the U.S. government over multi-state
carry and others issues. Will we (The civilian) ever get a victory?
Mas: We have won many victories, and are by and large winning on the concealed
carry front. For the first time in the memory of any living American, a provision
at least exists in every state for the citizen to carry a loaded, concealed handgun in
public. In Hawaii or DC, it’s all but impossible to get the permit, but more states
than not are now “shall issue,” and we have a few states where “permit less carry”
is authorized by law. We have more reciprocity between states as to concealed
carry permits than ever.
I do think “national concealed carry” is possible within our lifetimes, but I believe it
would be better for it to take the form of “national reciprocity” rather than a
Federally-issued concealed carry permit.
Mas, thank you for taking the time to interview with us and for your dedication to firearm
safety/deadly force instruction, We salut you! If you would like to contact Mas please visit