Page 55 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 55
The Snowden Effect and Tolerance
remaining chained to an undeined and unfulilled new meaning, purpose, happiness, and the celebration
existence. of plurality. We can choose to expect that something
extraordinary will take place in our individual and
Until we choose to abandon arrogance, self- collective experiences. We can even embrace the idea
satisfaction, and self-righteousness, we will that the universe has a stake in seeing that we live lives
continually live as convicts of distrust and of collective harmony. We can choose to accept that the
dissonance. Each of us has a date with destiny. All providential wheels of purpose will turn in our favor.
of us have function, a part, a task, a duty, a plan
and a purpose to fulill, and a collective mission to Let us live to be the caretakers of each other’s destiny
accomplish in life. Our mission, should be choose because that is what we are by nature. The strength
to accept it, is to reverse the course we have taken of our existence should not be deined by what the
regarding the way we treat each other. We can do so popular media portrays us to be. We are not powerless
much better. victims subjected to an unchangeable reality. We are not
prisoners to our shameful history of shortcomings.
If we will only embrace that conviction with all our
being, then today will not resemble past mornings Each of us has a call to answer. The call to be bearers of
of shattered hopes and expectations. Whatever light and justice begins where we are. Let us light, carry,
may have been our past experiences, and no matter and pass on the torch of self-determination and social
how discouraging our present circumstances, we inclusiveness. Let us remind ourselves that the best gift
no longer have to wake up fearful of facing the we can give to each other is the gift of an open mind.
challenges of an uncertain tomorrow.
We can no longer afford to stand as idle spectators while
We no longer have to accept a life bordered by a person’s civil rights are being violated. To do nothing
chaos, unhappiness, or injustice of any kind. We no in the face of glaring injustices is to condone intolerance.
longer have to linger at the crossroads of broken The violation of one person’s civil rights is the violation
promises and abandoned dreams. Our lives do not of every person’s civil rights.
have to be deined by an unbroken succession of
disappointments. We can choose not to diminish each The Snowden Effect involves celebrating our collective
other’s potential or minimize each other’s capacity strengths. It involves tackling the problem of intolerance
for success or set artiicial benchmarks for other comprehensively. The Snowden Effect means I am
people’s story. responsible to you as you are responsible to me.

We have a history from which to learn. Our past It is not enough however to simply describe, or explain
blunders are meant to illuminate our future steps. the Snowden Effect. In order to tackle the problem
If there is one constant about history it is that it not of intolerance we need to identify and understand
only chronicles our failures but also registers our the problem of the human predicament. And once we
successes. I have an abiding hope that as we look understand the problem our primary task is not to change
into the far reaches of our souls and gaze into the it; rather, our irst task is to change our perspective and
cosmos, our dreams for a better world can become a behavior.
The advancement of the human species is not a simple,
We do not have to allow the negative circumstances uncontrollable, and random process over which we have
of our experiences to shape our human identity. No little to no control. There is no inevitability to our future.
one has written our destinies for us, and it is up to us As human beings we are and always have been in control
to push beyond the level of our personal comfort and of our fate. We can make noble choices that beneit all
wear the mantle of understanding and unity. humanity.

Today can become the genesis of a life deined by
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