Page 50 - Sept Oct Issue
P. 50
The Snowden Effect and Tolerance
look at what we’ve been doing to each other and suppression of truth; even though he worked for an
where we’re headed? Perhaps humanity recognizes agency which many believe embodied those qualities.
that the absurdity of intolerance does not serve our
collective long-term interests. According to Mr. Snowden, the US government assumed
it could reinterpret laws in a manner that was convenient
So, who is Edward Snowden? And what makes his with its cause. The US government and its paramilitary
story so compelling? In 2013, Mr. Snowden made henchmen clearly thought they could spy on citizens
headlines when it was revealed that he was the around the globe with wide latitude and complete
whistleblower who disclosed top-secret information impunity without repercussions.
about the National Security Agency (NSA) global
mass electronic surveillance activities. Mr. Snowden Faced with the probability of a terrorist attack, the
was subsequently charged with two counts under the government sponsored spy agencies concluded if
Espionage Act, and theft of government property.[3] they looked long and hard enough they might be able
to ind the next crop of terror suspects. Rather than
Mr. Snowden believed his choice to expose the US conducting targeted surveillance for terror suspects, the
government’s unchecked dictatorial surveillance US government embarked on an ambitious and full-scale
and spy programs that infringed on the civil liberties digital invasion and assault on entire populations by way
of its own citizens and citizens of other nations of mass surveillance.
was necessary for the good of free republics. He
understood that an informed citizenry is the lifeblood Deep down in his spirit, Mr. Snowden felt that the US
of democracies. government’s indiscriminate surveillance program was
not about keeping the public safe. He irmly believed
The democratization of knowledge mattered to that the government’s action of spying on the public is
Mr. Snowden, and he refused to sit by passively in essence a declaration of war on people’s right to life,
as a national security totalitarian state engaged in liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
a constitutional coup d’état. He chose to sacriice
his freedom on account of his worldview, which Mr. Snowden witnessed irsthand how perilously
encouraged truth, transparency, equity, and tolerance. close the US government has come to imposing the
normalization of intolerance upon citizens worldwide.
Like many others, Mr. Snowden believes that Mr. Snowden was also aware of the butterly effect his
America’s institutional obsession with surveillance actions would have on our collective consciousness.
is not making the world a better or safer place.[4] In
fact, those actions are doing the exact opposite. It Many people around the world have hailed Mr. Snowden
is unconscionable that a democracy like the United as a patriot, civil rights activist, libertarian, and
States should go to such extreme ends to enforce a champion of democracy. But Mr. Snowden is much more
draconian police state and sabotage the security and than that.
safety of citizens across the globe.
Could it be that Mr. Snowden is simply a human being
Mr. Snowden reasoned that it was necessary to who is governed by the clarity of right and wrong? It
challenge a repressive state apparatus that sought to could be argued that he is a person who believes the
hijack self-determination and extinguish individual inherent dignity and freedoms that human beings enjoy
freedom. Mr. Snowden could have chosen to enjoy are to be celebrated, protected, and defended.
his comfortable lifestyle and ignore the plights
of those whose rights, liberty, and security were It might be that Mr. Snowden believes world citizens
subverted. should be able to exercise their fundamental and
inalienable right to privacy and individual sovereignty;
Mr. Snowden chose not to accept the perpetuation of that governments and those in power should be held
lies, deceit, inequality, and intolerance and the accountable for their actions, especially when those
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